20. Memorial

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The next day Catherine woke up alone in her bed, it was raining and she didn't feel like getting out of bed at all. She turned over and saw that someone had shared her bed with her because it had been slept in, had it been Baro? Just then the door opened and CNU walked in, then the memories of what happened the night before came back to her.


Catherine was still crying in Baro's arms on the floor, none of this made any sense why did Meredith have to die? Would Jake try and kill her too? She was so terrified what was going to happen?

"It's okay Catherine, it's okay." Baro said kissing her head.

Baro then looked up at them all and then he said, "I'm putting her in bed."

They all agreed and then Sandeul said. "Do you want me to stay with her tonight?" He just wanted her to be alright.

"Okay." Baro said and they all went to Catherine's room to put her in bed for the night. As she laid there Baro kissed her again and then left her with Sandeul for the night. Sandeul wrapped his arms around her and said.

"I'm right here." And nuzzled into her neck, as she fell asleep she heard him say. "Everything will be alright."


CNU hugged her and said

"I love you."
And she knew that he meant it a lot.

"I love you too."

She replied she wasn't feeling much better the shock was still there and the fear was too. Nothing felt safe anymore and she just wanted to go back to being the recluse she had once been before the support group. Catherine looked out of the window, the sun had magically come out like Meredith had brought out the sunshine as a sign for Catherine to tell her that she was free and out of her fear and pain now.

Then CNU left her to get dressed and she found some comfy clothes she didn't plan on leaving the house at all that day no matter what anyone said.

Once she left her room she was met by everyone and their love for her. Jinyoung looked like he had something on his mind what it was though Catherine wasn't sure. She sat next to him and he held her hand, he kissed it gently and then he said

"Hello my beautiful princess."

She smiled, Jinyoungs compliments always put a smile on her face. While they all sat there and ate Catherine said.

"Meredith brought the sun out today."

They all looked at her. "Did she?" Gongchan asked then Catherine looked at them all and then she said.

"Yes she did it to let me know not to be sad and that she is safe and free now."

Baro got up and hugged her and then he said to his life long friend.

"That is so beautiful Catherine."

"It is."

She replied Catherine also had something else on her mind and she didn't know if she wanted to say it or not.

"Is there something else?"

CNU asked her she took a deep breath and then Catherine said.

"If it's okay with you all can we light some candles later on tonight in memory of Meredith."

"Of course we can."

Sandeul said and then Baro added

"Lets do it on the roof and have a tribute for her here."

Catherine smiled and said.

"Meredith would love it even though she didn't know you she knew what you guys meant to me."

They all smiled and after breakfast they all cleared up and got on with their days. Then it came to it the memorial, they all went up to the roof and lit the candles and stood there in a circle.

"Would you like to say anything?"

Baro asked Catherine holding her hand for support.

"I do."

She replied taking a deep breath and looking up at the sky then looking back she said.

"Meredith wherever your spirit has ended up I know that you are finally free happy and out of pain. I didn't know you for that long but you left a imprint on my heart for the rest of my life. The guys are with me right now and although you didn't know them they knew who you were and they are so thankful that you came into my life and were someone I could confide in. I love you Meredith Howard and I will never forget you."

She wiped a tear away from her eye and everyone gathered round her and as they all blew out there candles they hugged and stood there under the starlight. Then they went back inside.

They all sat on the couches for a while just talking and making sure Catherine was alright, then Jinyoung went to the bathroom and he was gone for quite a while but when he came back he was happy and he said. "I'm going to call it a night." They all looked at the clock it was midnight Catherine reassured everyone that she would be okay sleeping alone and they all went to their rooms for the night.

As Catherine closed her door she looked at her bed and there by her pillow there was a book, confused she picked it up and opened the cover. Her eyes widened when she saw a message in the front that said.


Read this to know my true feelings for you my sweetheart and meet me on the roof tomorrow.


So Catherine sat there and she started to read.

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