Chapter 4- Ghouls

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"You little pipsqueak witch, give me it back!" I squeal, watching as Jenn levitates my credit card in the air.

"You have to catch it!" She teases. She knows it's impossible though, every time I jump up, she moves it to a different location before a hair on my head even comes close to it. It's like trying to catch a butterfly when you're a human, always flying away before you can get it.

"I know we're in the mall for supernaturals, but this is no way for us to act, are you even thinking of the way these people are questioning our sanity right now?" I ask, gesturing at the small crowd who seems to love watching girls jump and down. What's so good about that? It's just like watching a pillow fight, and that's not very cute either. It's bloody and barbaric.

"Two girls jumping up, what a show!" I say sarcastically, before shooing all the people away with a hiss. Some supernaturals, no respect for the public displays of idiocy.

With a sigh, she lets my card fall down to the floor. I immediately reach to grab it, but another person crouched down and took it.

I gasp dramatically, holding a hand to my chest. "Oh I'm sorry! I didn't realize you have a death wish." My tone becomes venomous at the end.

They lift their head up, a mask concealing their identity. What a shame, I'd actually like to see the man I was about to kill.

He turns around and bolts, causing me to chuckle. He's just as fast as an average human, how interesting.

"Don't come." I order Jenn, before running off to murder the thief. In seconds I catch up to him and slam him into a concrete wall. He groans in pain, holding onto his left arm which I assume was the one I gripped onto.

He sprints to the back entrance, and I decide to let him try and get away for a few seconds. I always love it when my food tries that.

I tap on my imaginary clock, counting 7 seconds in my head.

1... Still running.

2... Still running.

3... Still running.

4... Still running. God, could he be anymore boring?

5... Now he's slowing down to a jog. Pretty sure he's staring at the hot dog stand.

6... Oh look, he's touched the exit.

7... He's outside.

I immediately chase him, slamming the doors down and looking around.

It's quiet, and the only thing in sight is brick walls next to me. And a trash can, but who notices those anyways?

I calm down and listen, trying to use my vampire hearing to pick up the sound of heartbeats. I stay still for a moment.

There's nothing.

I grunt in frustration, I know he's here! Maybe he's one of the soulless supernaturals. Like ghouls, wraiths-

Someone, or something, makes a sound that's similar to a little girl dying. A phantom, then. Fantastic.

They're one of the deadliest creatures ever. If you show any emotion, they'll rip your soul out right then and there. Their reflexes are quicker than ours, so there's no way of sneak attacking it. The only way to kill one is with garlic, believe it or not. And I've never met one of these damned creatures before, so garlic has never been an necessity. What a mistake.

"Hello there, sugar." Something whispers in my ear. Also, did I mention that their voices makes it seem like they smoked crack everyday of their lives, and they're maybe 5473 years old? It's such an amazing noise, am I right?

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