Chapter 11- Coronation P.1

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Daniel's POV

I admire the beauty sleeping soundlessly next to me.

I gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, and stare at the lips that once danced with mines. I can't believe how stupid I was. Why would I deceive her by using our first kiss? Any other way would've been perfectly fine, but I had to use the one thing that's important to girls. Thinking with emotions and not the mind isn't the best way to go, after all.

When we were walking through the woods, she absolutely refused to get close to me. She walked backwards, facing me and going on and on about how terrible I am. Eventually she turned around and slit her own throat with a tree branch. It wasn't intentional, it just kind of happened. How that's even possible, I'm not sure.

She stirs lightly, alarming me. Please don't wake up. The way she'd unconsciously cuddle into my chest, and how she'd smile when I kissed her forehead, waking up will end it.

Her nose twitches, and a small frown makes its way to her face. I sigh, well, it was nice while it lasted.

She leaps out of bed.

"What are you doing? How am I here? What did you do to me?" She breathes. I stare at the way her hair tackles her face when she pulls back, somehow adding onto her beauty. I don't know why, but it does.

As if remembering, her eyes turn into slits.

"You." She accuses. Here it comes.

She walks closer to me, jabbing her pointer finger on my chest.

"You, Prince Daniel whatever-the-hell-your-middle-name-is Cage, have some explaining to do."

I gesture to the spot next to me, inviting her to sit. She glares at it and turns back to me.

"No, I'm fine." She spits out.

I raise my hands in surrender, before putting them back down on my lap.

"It's kind of a long story so I'll just sum it up. You were in danger in the castle so I made you believe I was a dick, and you were still in danger when you left so I brought you back. You'd be a lot safer surrounded by guards, and me of course."

She kicks the edge of the bed, taking out all of her frustrations and anger on the mattress. She huffs with each assault, denting and battering the innocent cot.

I catch her leg and pull her closer to me. She loses her footing and falls on my lap, one leg between my own. She straddles my thigh, holding my shoulders reflexively.

I wrap my arms around her, rubbing the small of her back in a comforting manner. Gradually, her breathing becomes slower and more relaxed. She buries her head in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent.

"I don't know what's going on with me." She confesses, grasping strands of my hair. She tugs on them lightly, taking out what's left of her anger on my scalp.

"You know, I actually cried like two days ago. There were real tears. I thought that was a 1400's thing. I'm changing, you're changing me." Her voice cracks at the end of the sentence.

I suddenly have a strong urge to smack my head into a wall, multiple times. I've hurt her. I've done the one thing a mate should never do. Words will never be able to express my regret.

"I am so sorry."

Ava's POV

My emotions are all over the place. It's making me unstable, and I just want to snap someone's neck out of frustration. Oh, another emotion again, yay. I'm only grateful that Daniel has calmed me down, even if it's just a little bit.

I can't help but notice the truth behind his words, though. He actually looked and sounded sorry, and it's messing with my head. And the mate bond is just forcing me to forgive him, but that's too easy. What kind of person would I be if I let people stomp over me? That's usually what happens, you begin to forgive people without doubt and they hurt you again and again, thinking that you wouldn't do anything about it and they can get away with it. But that is not going to happen with me, not in a million years.

He needs to work for it, while I work on my revenge.

Evil, am I not?

"I wish there was another way, but there wasn't. And the ceremony is today! In 8 hours to be more specific. I'm sorry, I really am, but we can't miss this." He begs. His legs bend a little, and I realize he's on the verge of pleading on his knees.

"Fine." I answer simply. His eyes widen.

"Really? That's it?" Is it that surprising that I'm going?

"Thanks." He mutters. Oh, another thing that can drastically damage his pride. I don't know what spell I put him under, but it's freaking amazing.

I smirk.

"What did you say?" I tease. He glares at me, nearly burying me 100 feet under the ground. The intensity of it can physically be felt, weirdly enough.

"You want to hear it again? Hah, that's a damn story. Not happening." I shrug, whatever. I'll give him reasons to say that phrase over and over again instead.

"Okay, bye." I leave the room before he can answer. Talking to him isn't going to get ready for the ceremony, anyways.


"No." I mutter, disgusted of what they want me to wear. Turns out, there's more to the coronation then just being crowned king and queen. The new queen, me, has to dance. Actually dance, and it's not like some hip hop dancing. It's full blown Shakira moves. I'm not sure I can move my hips to the point of acting like her, though. Especially not in front of Daniel.

And to make the dance look better, I have to wear the most revealing outfit I have ever seen in my life. Okay, maybe not that revealing, it actually covers the lower area, not that much though. It ended mid-mid thigh, if that makes sense. The chest part is complete lace, and they said I can't wear a bra. One of the girls assisting me died tragically, by the way. It may or may not be my doing.

Thankfully, most of the area is covered by black lace, so the most people can see is my stomach. That I don't really have a problem with, I wear crop tops like it's my religion.

"But queen, it is part of the tradition. The clothes are revealing, which shows that the queen will not hide anything with her kingdom and be open. It's a good quality to have and show." A small blonde says, pushing that disgraceful garment towards my direction.

I bare my fangs at her, even though she won't be intimidated by the same pair of things she has.

"Fine, only because you probably have orders by the future king to drug me if I'm resisting." Actually, I'm sure that's not true. He's been trying to get on my nice side the whole day. That includes him apologizing to me consistently and serving me blood in a wine glass.

I snatch the corset-skirt thing and grudgingly walk to the dressing room. I hate everything.

Wasting no time, I slide it on.

"It's tight, too?" I screech. Are you kidding me? I wouldn't want it loose, hell to the no, but it can at least grant me breathing space! It's excruciatingly suffocating. I may be undead, but vampires need to breathe too! Just because we can't die by regular human things, doesn't mean we should die repeatedly! Unless we're dying by a car flip, those are amazing.

The blonde chuckles awkwardly. "You'll love it?"

I scoff, yeah, when I become a circus animal for humans.

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