Chapter 26- I'll Choke her with a Dildo

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She never told me it would hurt.

Celesta said I would get visions of the future, which, sure, I can understand. But aren't visions suppose to come while you're asleep? Wouldn't that be so much better?

My plan was to see if I could just quickly stop by the castle, say my I miss you's or whatever. It was about to happen; I was merely a mile away! But no, my new powers had to make an appearance.

I pull the car over to a nearby Starbucks. All the while, the ringing in my head intensifies. I cradle my head as the feeling of hammers pounding into my skull continue. A screech of pain escapes my mouth. Images of the vision show when my eyes close, but the train of them hasn't started yet.

"Stop it!" I yell to no one but myself. A warm, thick liquid oozes out of my ear, making me cringe. I quickly wipe it across with an used napkin, my hands shaking furiously.

I gasp, and the full vision comes.

A guy, probably in his mid-forties, types rapidly on the computer. He's wearing a V for Vendetta mask, but I can tell he's a bit old by his position and stubby fingers. The mouse skims over the corner of the laptop, where the time and date is located. 8:12 P.M, July 21, 2016.

A cry of glee escapes his lips. He spins around in his chair, accidentally dropping a piece of paper. He groans and bends down to pick it up, a sliver of his belly fat protruding under his small shirt. He puts the postcard back on the desk, his thumb skimming over the location: Washington D.C. I mentally take a note of all the details that could be of importance to me.

"Jared, I've found him!" He yells, his voice raspy, as if he smoked everyday of his life. I almost wince, I can practically see the cigarettes in his teeth.

A man pushes a door open, walking with authority and power. I'm guessing he's the boss of this whole operation.

He peers over the man's shoulder and smirks at the screen. I try to take a sneak peek at the computer, curious as to who this person is. Shortly after, the old man closes out of the browser. The only thing I was able to see was dull green eyes.

"The designated successor, eh? Once he dies, there will be no one else to take the job as president and the government will fall. Good job, Albert." Jared pats Albert on the back, and takes out a gun.

Albert slides his rolling chair backwards, staring at the weapon in shock. His lips part in disbelief.

"Sorry buddy, your time is up. Your help is no longer needed."

Albert gulps audibly, and then the trigger is pulled.

His lifeless body tumbles to the floor, his mask showing a fraction of his face. He has a scar on the right side of his chin.

The time on the computer changes.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Sweat trickles down my forehead. Everything shows in two's, before turning back to normal. I silently curse at Celesta. One day, I swear, I'll choke her with a dildo.

Okay, so I know that someone is planning to either overthrow the government or just fuck shit up, and their last target is the designated successor, whatever the hell that is. They're also situated in Washington D.C, and Albert dies at 8:16 P.M. on July 21st, 2016. That gives me three days to solve this, and then stop the potential murders of the D.S and possibly Albert. Not so sure about Albert, he's clearly the mastermind of this while Jared is the brawn.

I grab the laptop from next to me and start it up. I immediately Google news, searching for anyone who has died that may be linked to their operation. The first thing that pops up is a video titled "The Vice President's Death."

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