Chapter 9- There's A Weird Liquid Thing In My Eye

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"That's way too obvious, we can't go to our house! Let's just rent out a hotel room. Take advice from the girl that's been dodging the court for 600 years." I say. If we're on the run from the vampire kingdom, going to the first place they'd think of isn't smart.

Jenn rolls her eyes, "Alright Miss Criminal." I bend down so she can jump on my back, giving us a faster transportation. In every vampire movie, they don't use their abilities every second of the day to make their life easier. But I take full advantage of my speed, mostly because I'm impatient as hell.

I see a cozy, little hotel a few yards away and stop by it, accidentally making my passenger fall.

A small 'oof' escapes her lips as she practically dives onto the ground, using her hands to protect her face. She slides past me, stopping when she's near my feet.

"Rude." She huffs, standing up to wipe the dirt off her bottom.

"Oh, go swallow some toads witch, we have somewhere to be." I proceed to walk towards the building, ignoring her complaints. She can say whatever she pleases when we get a hotel room. Even with no money, we will get one. I'll make sure of that.

I tell Jenn the plan that I made up on the spot and head over to the man in charge.

"Hey!" I give him a flirtacious smile, flipping my hair a bit. My eyes make contact with my best friend for a second, who's hiding in the corner where the camera doesn't turn.

He perks up, smiling back at me. This is way easier than expected.

"Hello there, need anything?" There's an underlining tone there, suggesting something other than what I came here for.

"Yes, actually. Maybe a free room for the night, make it soundless." I mutter seductively, whispering the last word breathlessly. Jenn stifles a laugh in the corner.

His face falls.

"You're one of those girls, huh? Trying to play me, just for a free room. Well, I almost got fired the last time, and that ain't gon' happen again. You can go now, unless you'll actually pay." And I actually thought for a second we can do this the easy way, oh well.

I turn around to see if anyone's around, but to my pleasure no one seems to be here.

I fake pout, "Oh pooh, bye then." I wave, giving Jenn the signal. She nods and waves her hand, snapping the cord that holds the chandelier in place. It collapses on top of the guy, its shards shattering the moment it hits the floor.

He falls down, unconscious.

I pretend to panic, and run to the stairs to 'find the police to help this poor man.' If anyone looks at the camera for evidence, they'll see a short woman supposedly freaking out.

When I'm out of the scene, I nonchalantly walk up, waiting for my partner in crime.

"Hey there!" She exclaims, appearing right in front of me.

My heart drops in fear. I'm never going to get used to that.

I groan, "Why do you have to be born with that power! Why not any other, like I don't know, telling the future!" More specifically, why can't witches have any power? In the media, witches can do any spell they're powerful enough to do, but in reality, it's only 2 or 3. That sucks ass, I'd never want to be a witch.

"Then I'd know the exact day and time I'll meet my soul mate, and I'd rather not have that." She's a hundred percent sure she'll have a vampire or werewolf mate, for some reason. She's confident about it, and it makes me wonder if she actually can see the future.

I lead her to the first door I see and and bust it open, just in case it was locked.

The room has two beds, one bathroom, and a drawer full with clothes. I guess there are some people staying here for a while. Too bad for them then.

I open the window and grab as many clothes as I can, throwing them outside. In minutes the drawer is completely empty.

"Now it looks nice!" I chirp. She shrugs.

"We could've used the female clothes, you know. We didn't bring anything. I don't know about you, but walking around naked isn't exactly what I had in mind."

"Well I guess it's a good thing malls have been created."

"No money." All of my victims' cash is at the house, and we can't go there.

Fuck capitalism.

"Then we steal it. I'll go to a human store and I'll just woosh out so the cameras won't see me." I love being a vampire. Still can't help but to gush about how amazing it is, even after 600 years.

She nods, "Well what are we waiting for?"


I wipe the blood off my fingers, "I told him not to try and arrest me." Police officers are becoming brave, what a surprise. While some sit on their ass and eat donuts, others are actually challenging vampires. Both types are idiotic, but still. At least one of them has guts.

My partner in crime waves her hand, making him disappear.

"I thought most cops were too lazy to even lift a finger, I guess I was wrong." Jenn states.

I smile, holding the stolen goods in my hands.

"We got our stuff though!"


I push Jenn back, and put a finger to my lips, shushing her.

"Yes, police? There's been someone who ransacked our hotel room... Yes... No, all of our clothes ar-"

I push the door open and snack on the first person I saw, who happened to be the guy on the phone. My fangs dig into his neck, sucking him dry.

Out of shock, the phone falls out of his hand, and I stomp on it before the officer can hear anything. Jenn throws a lamp at the girl, who's staring at horror of her friend dying. She falls onto the floor, the second person we've knocked out today.

Once his breathing stops, I let him pass out and step over him.

"That was quick." I say. Surprisingly, no one screamed. Which sucks, fear-laced blood is much better than average.

I look over to the female, who's still alive, and snap her neck.

"I'll cloak this whole hotel so no one can find us. And the bodies, I don't want them rotting and stinking up our room." She gestures at her nose, blowing away the invisible fumes.

She mutters something in her witch language and the bodies disappear from sight.

I jump on the first bed, enjoying the warmth of the comforter. It's not as amazing as the one back at the kingdom though.

Damn, Daniel and I's relationship seemed to be going great, why didn't he trust me? I mean, isn't the mate bond suppose to do that by itself already? It's strong enough to make love at first sight true, so why not trust? And he could've used any other way, but no, he had to use our first kiss to decieve me. Damn it, I'm mad, angry, confused, and it's annoying me. Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Jenn joins me on the bed, watching me like some science experiment. She approaches me with caution.

"Are you okay?" She whispers, staring at my cheeks. I don't know why though, and it's kind of awkward.

A weird liquid thing falls out of my eye, alarming me.

I quickly wipe it, and observe it. It's water. Water can come out of your eye?

"Why is this happening?" I wonder out loud. It's slightly creepy, I'm pretty sure this isn't natural.

"You're crying." She mutters. That's still possible? Holy crap, I thought that only happened half a millennium ago. I mean, it happened to me about two times, but over 600 years ago. I didn't think it still exists for me.

"Ew, make it stop!" I screech, feeling the water still pouring down my face.

I panic, not knowing what else to do but snap my own neck.

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