Chapter 16- Vampire Babies Sucking the Blood from your Breasts

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A/N: okay so I read this chapter again and I'm feeling all of the surprise you readers must be experiencing. I'm legit rooting for my characters to win and I'm trying not to scream. I'm fucking dying because what Daniel says during this chapter. And um, wow, I don't remember being this perverted.

He jumps back up, appearing unaffected. The wall, on the other hand, has a Daniel-shaped hole in it.

"Come and get me, asshole." I hiss, aching for a fight. It's as if my body has completely taken over and I'm just in the back of my mind, watching everything come to play. Something is controlling me, and I can't stop it. Every word and action isn't mine, but I can't do anything about it. I'm completely helpless.

Daniel doesn't hesitate.

He immediately throws a dresser on the ground, and picks up one of the shards. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you make a homemade stake.

Flashing me an evil smirk, he attempts to knock me down. I quickly lift my knee up, sucessfully hitting him in the chest. It has no impact on him though.

He grabs my leg and slams me to the ground, while nearly breaking the stake. My eyes widen in panic as he moves it closer to my chest. Miraculously, I move my leg in upwards and manage to kick his head, causing him to drop the wood.

I use his moment of weakness to flip us over, so I'm on top of him. Grasping the shard, I plunge it towards his chest. He grabs the bottom of it and pushes it back to me, sort of like tug-a-war in reverse.

"You bastard, accept your defeat already." I mutter darkly. He scoffs, but it sounds a bit strained.

"Yeah, and maybe I'll go give up my kingdom to a homeless human while I'm at it." Amazing how he can still be sarcastic, even when he's not in control of his corpse.

Images of his death pop inside my mind, and I gasp inwardly. I've seen plently of dead people in my time, but simply imagining a stake in his heart scares the living hell out of me. However, my body seems to not give a crap, and continues attempting to murder my mate.

I try to gain dominance so I can try to convince him to snap out of it. Though, whatever is keeping me back here won't budge. It's almost like a mental wall built out of titanium or something. Everytime I try, I'm bounced back to right where I started, or possibly even farther.

A burst of strength fills my veins, encouraging me to shove harder. His defense falters, and I hear the slightest tear of clothes. The wood pierces his skin, and that's when I feel it.

The most torturous pain I've ever felt before. It's almost as 1,000 knives prick my skin, each creating a cut. My body burns from an unknown flame that seems to never go out. I bite my lip to surpress to scream on the verge of slipping out. It's so tough though, if I didn't have as much pride as I do, I would be huddled on the floor, crying in defeat.

I swear, it seems as though someone is skinning me alive, then healing me, and skins me again. No, it's much, much worse. I'm not sure if the pain of losing a mate is as painful as this.

Holding my head in my hands, Daniel takes that oppertunity to throw me to the wall. I leave a dent, but I don't notice the pain. I'm too busy focusing on another.

"Do you like the way my power causes agony now?" He whispers maniacally. His light blue orbs I enjoyed looking into are still gold, showing no signs of emotions. I'm not sure what's going on with him- what's going on with the both of us- but it's doing some extremely weird, uncharacteristic things.

A string of curse words escape my mouth, so horrible they could make a sailor sob. This time, I can't help it, I let out a small cry.

A flash of guilt reaches Daniel's eyes, but leaves almost immediately. A twinge of hope sneaks its way into my heart. He's there somewhere, I just have to find him.

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