Chapter 15- Use Those Machetes to Shave Bigfoot Instead of Sucking Me Dry

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A/N: Trissa at the top/side ;)

I gently clip my cape together.

It feels silly calling it cape, something that superheros commonly wear. But honestly, I don't know what else to call it. A cloak, wrap? They all sound weird to me. Especially the first one, it's a bit witchy. No offense to Jenn and her kind, if that can even be called an insult.

Actually, scratch that. Everything feels silly. I'm the mate of the vampire king, which makes me the queen. I'm literally blocking off all emotions so I don't make more irrational choices. My best friend is a witch that has cloaked all of my kills over the years, and she puts up with my sadistic and sassy attitude. To a human, this is all outrageous and everyone would need to be submitted to a mental institution made for the criminally insane.

However, we're not humans.

Nevermind, everything seems perfectly fine.

Someone knocks on my door.

I put on a stone-hard mask and open it.

"What do you want?" I ask, staring at the shaking vampire. Maybe being nice to my new kingdom would be beneficial to actually being liked as a queen. Scaring off every person who talks to me isn't going to get me anywhere in life.

"Morning, my queen," she quickly bows, "I was sent to retrieve you. The king demands your presence." I cock my eyebrow at that. Must be pretty urgent.

I gesture for her to lead the way. Abruptly, she makes her way to the ascending stairway. I take mental pictures of every spot in this place. If I'm going to live here, I might as well try to know the place. Getting lost isn't on my to-do list for today, or any other day really.

I recognize the path she brings me to. It's how you get to the royal chambers. Maybe whatever he has to say to me isn't urgent, I wouldn't be surprised if he just wants me to chew me off. Hopefully not literally, I've done enough passing out in my life.

She suddenly stops. "We're here." She whispers, twiddling her fingers. I have the strongest urge to say something to her. Vampires are sculpted to perfection, there's no reason she should be shy and self-conscious.

I swallow up my nerves and mutter a piece of advice for her. "You're beautiful, grow a backbone and act like it." My voice quivered a bit, so it was entirely clear that this was unlike me.

She smiles widely, all of her teeth showing.

"You're nice! I've heard that you were a bitch but I guess they were wrong!" She slaps her hand over her mouth, realizing what she said. Her reaction shows me that she thinks I'll decapitate her or something, but this situation is actually entertaining to me.

"No, I didn't mean it like that I swear! It's just-"

I cut her off with a small laugh. I like this girl.

"Don't worry, I don't really care." Her brown eyes widen in surprise. She wasn't expecting a queen to let go of an insult so easily.

She coughs, forgetting that moment.

"Well, my name is Trissa. I'm one of the main servants in here, and I hope we can be friends." She outstretches her hand, waiting for me to shake it. I simply stare at it. Contact isn't really my thing, unless it's the hand-inside-the-chest sort of thing.

Trissa notices this, and awkwardly pulls her hand back.

Her perky mood doesn't seem to falter.

"Well, goodbye!" She wooshes away.

I glare at the door, which I should be walking through right now. But of course, no one bothered to teach me this secret language. Maybe I should just sit down near it, waiting like a loser for someone to open it. Or I can knock on it, hoping that the room isn't soundproof, which I'm 100% sure is.

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