Rings and Things

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"Hey Kyra? Could you come back, please?...I need some help," Ceaz summoned me from the other side of the door.

I chewed on my lip, still leaning my back against the wooden door. I didn't wanna go back in there after that. The shit was gonna be so awkward, anyway, it was my responsibility to care for Ceaz until Shonda came back though so I hadta.

"Yeah...I'm comin' hold on," I answered as I straightened myself back up. When I got myself together I slowly opened the door and peeked in at him. "What do you need?"

"I dropped the remote," said Ceaz as he continued to try and stretch his arm where it lay on the floor next to the bed.

I hurried into the room before he fucked around and fell off. "I got it, Ceaz."

As I handed it to him he grabbed my wrist with his free one. "That kiss stays between us, ah'ight? I don't wanna cause no friction between you and D."

"Why did you kiss me?"

"You was leaning in. I thought that's what you was going for, like in the movies ya know," Ceaz explained.

I swallowed and pushed my hair behind my ears. "My bad I didn't even notice I was doing that."

"You the one who slipped tongue though, not me. What was that about?" He asked smirking at me a little.

"I don't know, I guess I got caught up in the moment."

"Still though. We can't tell nobody, this some shit we gotta take to the grave. Deal?" He held out his hand for me to shake.

I agreed and shook his hand."And no acting weird around each other."


"You a good kisser," said Ceaz winking at me.

The front door opened. I looked at my watch and saw it was time fot his mom to be home. Not wanting to intrude any longer I stood up.

"Sounds like moms is home. I'ma be out Ceaz, I'll see you when you come back to the house tomorrow."

He sat up in bed, changing the channel on the TV. "You don't have to rush off Kyra we can watch a show together or something."

"Nah, man I gotta go. Darryn's expecting me. They just finished up the movie and he wants me to go to the premiere with him."

Ceaz nodded, "Oh word? That's wassup, I might see if one of moms'll wheel my vegetable ass over there to support. What time is it?"

"Three hours from now so nine o'clock, you sure you can make it?"

He scratched the back of his head, "Mm I can try but if I don't let him know I'm proud of him."

"I'll let him know," I said swinging my purse over my shoulder and opening the door. Before I stepped out of the room Ceaz called after me.

"Yo, Kyra."

I turned slightly to see what he wanted.

"Remember..." Ceaz put a finger to his lips, reminding me to keep quiet about what happened. I gave him a thumbs up for reassurance as I closed the door and spoke to Mrs. Duran before exiting the house.


"You ah'ight baby? You acting weird tonight."

KD looked up from fastening her heels but right back down when she made eye contact with me. "I'm good, I promise. Why you worried baby?"

"Ceaz ain't try nothing on you while you was over there, did he?" I asked walking in front of where she was on the floor.


Thug Luv Pt. 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now