R U Still Down

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I was happy Ceaz was gone again when we got back to the house. He left a note saying he was going to his mom's place to stay the night so Darryn and I had everything to ourselves.

"Let's go to my room and put your stuff up," Darryn said locking the door behind him, "We can watch the movie in there."

After we got in and put everything away I crawled onto his bed and laid down but jumped back up when I felt something hard under one of his pillows. I lifted it up and it was a .357 magnum revolver. I looked over to see what Darryn was doing, he was bent over one of his dresser drawers looking through some VHS tapes.

I picked up the piece and made sure the safety was on. I hadn't held a gun in a long time, I'm licensed to carry and used to have some heat of my own but Scott took them all and gave them away.

I pointed it at the back of Darryn's head waiting for him to turn around.

He picked up the remote and turned the TV on, then back to me. When he saw the gun pointed at him he dropped the remote and threw up his hands.

"I ain't gonna shoot you," I laughed as I put the gun back under the pillow.

"You can't be playing like that! You even know how to shoot?" He asked pressing play and crawling up the bed next to me.

"Yeah I can carry too. Scott took all my guns though and I don't know what he did with em. Guess he knew I was gonna end up blowin' his brains out one day."

Darryn laid on his side next to me resting on his elbow. "I like that, never met a lady who can shoot," he said looking at me and biting his bottom lip.

"You betta stop, let's watch this movie before you start somethin'," I replied, but slid closer to him.

"I'm for real. Might have to make you my lil sidekick, lean up," Darryn said. I raised up from the pillow and let him get the gun back out, pressing the barrel against the waistband of my jeans.

"Heey!" I said putting my hands in the way of the gun.

"Calm down. I want you to have this on you just in case that fucker tries to act crazy when he comes back," Darryn said moving my hands with the gun and sliding it into my waistband. I flinched when I felt the coldness.

"Darryn if he comes back I'm not goin' back. I wanna stay here...with you.."

He smiled when I said that

"I was hoping you would wanna stay. You might think I'm bullshittin' but I thought about you the whole night after what happened..I thought I was never gonna see you again, KD."


"Yeah," he said looking down and picking at a loose thread on his comforter.

I lifted his chin so he looked at me, "Hey now, don't be looking all sad. I'm here and I'm okay."

"And I'm glad."  He said, nuzzling my hand a little.

"So are we gonna watch the movie or talk through it."

"I just wanted you to see the scenes I was in," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him.

"What you doing?"

"This." Darryn grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to him, sliding his tongue past my lips and kissing me.

I kissed him back while I took his hat off with one hand so I could run my fingers through his soft hair.

"Mmm alright we better stop for real," Darryn laughed pulling away.

"What if I don't wanna?" I asked still trying to kiss him.

Thug Luv Pt. 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now