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"I think you take pride in embarrassing me."

Vivian chuckled as she climbed into the back of the SUV, "who else could do it?"

Micheal hesitated outside the door, a teasing smile on his face. A wave of heat fell over Vivian as she took in the man once more- god, he was handsome. Even in the tailored suits, she could see the muscular build he sported. However the reality of his political affiliation squashed any thought of pursuing a relationship.

"You really are something." He chuckled before climbing into the backseat as well. The smell of his cologne quickly clouded the area and she moved further towards the door to prevent herself from leaning in for another sniff.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" She cocked her head as she finally registered his comment.

"You do know you're my campaign manager, right?

"Yeah?" Vivian brushed him off before pulling her phone from her pocket to check her messages. The device was snatched from her hands before she could even turn the screen on.

"So that means," he held the device further away from her as she opened her mouth to protest, "you can't do what you did today ever again."

Before she could stop herself, her face scrunched and she tilted her head to the side- the newfound attitude clear. The words wouldn't have been an issue but his tone was one she knew all too well. Micheal had a habit of attempting to 'put her in her place' that Vivian constantly shut down.

"Just because you're unprepared to defend your party, doesn't mean I'm going to spread misinformation to make you look better." She turned her body to fully face him in the seat, her hand waving in his face.

"I'm not asking you to spread misinformation, I'm asking you to shut up." Vivian felt like she'd been slapped in the face, her head jerking back at his words.

Micheal was a man who knew just what buttons to press and it ticked her off that he did so for his own amusement. She knew he did it to get a rise out of her, but she couldn't help feeding into it each time.

"Shut up? Boy, who the hell are you talking to?" Her voice remained level and she crossed her arms, her expression set in disbelief.

"You, Ms. Dash," he smirked as he turned slightly to face her, "who else?"

"Oh no, you're not talking to me like that. There's obviously some screws loose in your head." Shaking her head, she gave a humorless chuckle.

As tension grew thick between the two, their driver flickered his eyes from his phone to the rear view mirror. Vivian began bouncing her knee in irritation as Micheal held that same pleased look on his face.

"Kenny, give us a couple minutes." Micheal spoke to their driver although his eyes remained locked on Vivian.

"No, we don't need a couple minutes. Take us back to the office." She piped in but the request fell on deaf ears as Kenny jumped from the seat without further discussion.

"You don't have to censor yourself now." Micheal chuckled as he placed her phone under his right leg.

"Fuck you, Micheal." She rolled her eyes before leaning back in her seat.

"There it is! Feels good doesn't it." He leaned over to stare into her eyes, his body brushing against her side. The teasing smile on his face made her want to smack it off.

"Can we go?"

"Not until you promise not to do that again." He circled back to the original discussion as he sat up on the edge of the backseat to fully face her.

"I guess I'll call an Uber." Putting her hand on the handle, she attempted to open the door but it didn't budge.

"I guess the child lock is on...appropriate." He jabbed.

"Me? You're the child here! You can't even defend your own party against one allegation which, might I add, has been covered from all angles a multitude of times. It's pathetic how incompetent you are." The remark was a low blow, but nothing new for the pair.

Even as teens, Vivian and Micheal often belittled the other when tensions rose. It was an unhealthy habit they both possessed that was only fed by their equal ability to handle insults.

"I'm incompetent?" Micheal's smile widened, a malice behind it this time. "You're a fucking laughing stock. Two failed campaigns and now you're an over glorified assistant."

"Yeah, so what! At least I can attribute my failures to uncontrollable events. Only reason you've made it this far is because you're a little fucking trust fund baby. Everything in your life has been handed to you." Vivian huffed as she jumped up to face him again, their knees bumping from her rushed movement.

"Oh please, I worked just as hard as you. It kills that big ass ego of yours to see someone else doing just as good as you. You were always jealous." Vivian snorted at the comment.

"Jealous?" She leaned her head back to laugh obnoxiously. "Please, Micheal, as if we compare in the slightest."

"You're right, we don't compare. I'm going to become governor and you'll continue to be someone else's bitch." He shot her a tight lipped smile.

"Did you just call me a bitch?" She exaggerated in an attempt to get a rise out of him.

"Don't... play that game." The low, dominant tone threw her off for a moment. His eyes had darkened and his body was tense. Vivian lost her train of thought as hormones clouded her judgment, her eyes falling to his lips.

"What game?" Unconsciously, her own tone had softened. Finally pulling her eyes away from his lips, she tried to keep her expression neutral as she took in his own. Unabashed want sat clear on his face and Vivian took in a trembling breath as sexual tension replaced the hostile environment.

Micheal moved with such fever that once she'd finished blinking, his face sat directly in front of her own. His eyes flickered between her own and her lips but he made no further movement. A voice in her head told her to move away, but as she took in the gorgeous man up close her own need for him trumped common sense.

Seeing that she hadn't moved away, Micheal connected their lips so fiercely her head knocked against the window. Vivian had no mental capacity to acknowledge the accident as he ravished her mouth. His hands pulled her closer before gripping her face to keep her lips to his own.

Vivian struggled to keep up as he moved his lips against her own- the kiss so hard it felt like a punishment. As his tongue found her own, she grabbed his jacket to keep herself grounded.

When he finally pulled away, Vivian could feel her lips throbbing and she breathed so heavily it was all she could hear. Without another word, he passed her phone back to her and slide away to place his seatbelt on.

As if the universe had planned it, Kenny opened the door- the same hesitant look on his face before he slid in the seat. "Ready to go?"

"Yes, thank you."

Collision (Mature) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now