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Vivian took a moment to digest his words. The two hadn't had a full conversation outside of public events and Vivian was sure he'd move on at some point. As she sat across from him, she could see clear as day he still held feelings for her.

"Is that so?" She spoke over her glass before taking a sip of the water.

"Yes and I want to consider this a date." Micheal leaned closer, an honesty behind his eyes that made her stomach turn.

"You slimy rat. I don't take kindly to being swindled into a date." She couldn't help laughing. It was surely something only Micheal could achieve.

"Easy. Wouldn't want the press hearing goody two shoes Dash calling a fellow politician a rat." The cocky smirk once more sat on his face. Vivian couldn't deny that butterflies always seemed to fill her stomach in the presence of Micheal.

"On the contrary, I think they'd eat it up considering how poorly you're doing." She threw the ball back in his court. As he grit his teeth, Vivian was immediately accosted with memories of their time together.

"You know this isn't over yet, right?" Before she could respond, the waitress returned to take this orders. Vivian ordered a pasta dish while Micheal ordered a seafood dish.

"But isn't it?" She picked up.

"Isn't what?" He furrowed his eyebrows and she rolled her eyes at his memory.

"This race. There's only 6 months until the election and I'm already lapping you. It's over." She leaned her head on her hands. It felt good to finally have the ultimate one up on him.

Vivian had been surprised when the state began flipping rapidly. She'd expected people to still see her as the cop hating, black supremacist that she'd been painted as in the media. In working closely with small business owners, people began seeing her as a politician finally about the concerns of the community.

"It's never over until it's over." He chirped back as he leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. Vivian noticed the way his suit bunched around his biceps and his chest looked even bigger.

"Sure." She laughed him off before pulling her phone from her purse.

Brandon had sent her a video of Mackenzie winning her school spelling bee. She was wearing the new outfit Vivian had gotten for her during their girls day. A smile was unstoppable as pride swelled in her chest.

"What's got you smiling so hard?" He questioned as she replied to the video with cheers.

"Why?" Looking up, she smirked at the jealousy clear on his face.

"I haven't seen you with anyone. Do you have a boyfriend?" The blatant question shouldn't have shocked her but she recoiled back anyways.

"That's a bit personal." She settled, not wanting to spill how she couldn't bring herself to be with another man after him.

Vivian knew since the first time she'd laid eyes on Micheal that she liked him. There was no other man she'd met who could not only match her drive for success, but wasn't intimidated by her intelligence. He liked her as she was.

"We've been a lot more than personal, no?" Micheal's tone hinted at their previous engagement.

Vivian knew exactly what he meant, her mind still conjuring memories of his hands on her body. It was pitiful the way she relived their intimacy in her reoccurring wet dreams.

"In the past." Was all she could manage.

Their meals were placed on the table before the waitress hustled away with a quick smile. Vivian's mouth watered at the meal and she eagerly began eating.

"It's not going to run away." Micheal laughed as he watched her shovel another forkful into her mouth. Vivian didn't bother hiding her eating habits around men. Either they got with the program or got lost.

"This is so good," she hummed as her body bounced in the seat, "want some?"

Micheal reached over with his fork to take a portion of her food while Vivian stole a shrimp from his dish. The food was light but bursting with flavor.

"That is really good." He agreed as he grabbed another helping before focusing on his own meal.

"I'm stuffed and ready for bed." Vivian chuckled as she walked through the parking lot with Micheal. They'd had dessert after dinner before finishing the night off with drinks.

"I'd hope so considering you ate half of my food." Micheal laughed as he walked slowly beside her.

"Shouldn't have shared it then." Vivian crossed her arms after pulling her jacket tighter around her. They quickly made it to her parking spot and she pulled her keys from her purse. "So, I still need an answer."

"How about we get lunch tomorrow and I'll let you know afterwards." He tried as he stepped closer. Vivian rolled her eyes as she reached for the door handle.

"Nope. Either tell me now or the offer is off the table." His hand grabbed hers as she began pulling the door open. The smell of his cologne clouded her head and she had to take another step back before turning towards him.

"Come on, Vivian. Give me a chance. What harm could it do?" It was the first time she'd heard anything close to a beg coming from him.

"We're running against one another for governor. I'd say that's a pretty big reason as to why we shouldn't become involved." Despite her rejection, his eyes lit up and he stepped even closer.

"So what you're saying is, you have feelings for me as well." A smile split his face as he grabbed her arm to pull her into his chest. The familiar embrace made her want to melt into his arms but she pulled herself back slightly.

"Now how the hell did you jump to that conclusion?" Micheal ignored the negative expression on her face as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Because if there's one thing I've learn about you, Vivian, it's that you know exactly what a sentence conveys when you piece it together. If you didn't like me back, you'd have said that in your reasoning." The cocky smile on his face made her want to smack it off.

Vivian should have figured he knew how to read her so well. Her mind remained blank as she tried to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why she didn't say it. With each passing second, triumph rang clear in his eyes.

"Get away from me, Phoenix."

Collision (Mature) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now