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"No." Micheal recoiled his head at the assertive tone behind her denial.

"What? Why not?" His tone rose as his ego took over. He was offering her more than she had now, there was no logical reason she shouldn't accept his offer.

"Because," Vivian paused to take a deep breath, "because I'm running against you."

Micheal thought he'd be upset at the additional competition, but a smile crossed his face and happiness filled his belly. Maybe his Vivian had been in there all along.

"What are you smiling at?" She rose an eyebrow at his sudden shift.

"Because now I get a chance to whoop your ass in front of the entire state." Micheal stood to his feet before offering her a hand up as well. Instead of taking it, she slapped his hand away and stood on her own.

It had pained him to see her so saddened. He'd never seen Vivian so vulnerable and it sparked a fire for justice even more. Even now as she attempted to wipe the tear smudged makeup from her face, he felt his heart pull.

"You can get out now."

"You're not running against Phoenix after all the work we've done to make him look good. Do you know what that will do to your credibility?" Goodson ridiculed as he paced the length of his office.

"It's an easy explanation. He's Unity and I'm Alliance. People wouldn't even question why I would want to leave the campaign." Vivian had been explaining to the man for the last ten minutes what she was thinking.

Micheal watched in amusement as the two went back and forth. He knew she was hoping Goodson would partner with her over himself. A part of him felt bad but his drive for dominance quickly squashed the feeling.

"I'm going to lunch. Think about this, Dash." Goodson grumbled before ushering the two of them from his office. Once in the hallway, Vivian held up her middle fingers to the man's retreating figure.

"Uhnm," he called as he grabbed her arm before she could return to her own office, "you're going with me to lunch."

"Let go of me, boy." She snapped as she ripped her arm from his grasp with a huff. "And no I'm not."

"Yes, you are." Micheal solidified as he grabbed her once again. Her head snapped up at him, a familiar warning look on her face that he ignored as he began leading her from the building.

"I don't even have my purse."

"You won't need it. I'm paying, now come on." He pulled her into the elevator before pressing ground floor.

"You were paying regardless, but my phone is inside- which I need." She crossed her arms and Micheal looked towards the doors to keep his eyes from dropping to her chest.

Although they hadn't discussed their previous encounters, Micheal knew she wanted him just as he wanted her. Vivian never did anything she didn't want to and no one could change her mind once it was made up. Key qualities Micheal loved about her.

"We'll only be gone an hour, relax."

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" Vivian rose an eyebrow as he ordered her another drink.

"Is it working?" He leaned on the table before quickly leaning back to dodge a hit.

"You play too much." Rolling her eyes, she finished off the last of her drink as Micheal chuckled at her aggressiveness.

He'd never been with a woman who was so straightforward considering how domineering he was himself. There was nothing more he enjoyed than someone who could match him in every way possible.

Collision (Mature) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now