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The recent gloomy weather solidified the emotions brewing within Vivian. She'd have to face her final follow up hearing in regards to her little brothers shooting today. Nearly six years after his death and she'd finally be able to lay rest with the event.

"Hello?" She answered her mother's call as she slipped on her slacks.

"How are you feeling, baby?" The maternal voice cooed, pulling a boulder from her heavy shoulders.

"Tired. Really tired." Her voice cracked as she stopped pulling her pants up to place her hand across her forehead. The familiar sting of tears was welcomed as she allowed herself to openly grieve the loss. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. You're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, there's bound to be a stumble." Her mother had always been her biggest supporter.

Vivian didn't get the opportunity to grow up with her father around, but her mother did all she could to assure her children want for nothing- whether it be physically or mentally. She and her bother, Trey, were four years apart but grew up thick as thieves.

"I know. I know, it feels like it never gets easier." She wiped the tears from her face before continuing to get ready.

"It will, baby, I promise. We just have to hold on to his memory."

Vivian held her head down as she shuffled up the empty court steps that once held eager reporters looking to score a big headline. The media had quickly moved on, searching for their next story.

"Good morning, Ms. Dash." William Keener, her brother's attorney, smiled brightly as he greeted her outside the courtroom.

"Morning." Her tight lipped smile let him know she wasn't up for small talk. They headed inside and Vivian took her seat behind William. Looking to her right, she immediately recognized Mrs. Smith and her four children seated next to her. Their faces held looks of hope and anxiousness as they await for the hearing to begin.

Although Vivian sat alone, she knew her mother was there with her in spirit. Her mother would have come had it not been for her declining health. Nearly a year after Trey's death, she suffered a heart attack- the incident leading to years of on and off hospitalization.

The hearing began shortly after and Vivian stifled the feeling of rage as Peter Smith came shuffling into the room. It'd taken a long time before she could stand to see his face without a complete meltdown. In learning to accept her brothers death, she relinquished Peter's power over her emotions as well.

"We move for the release of Mr. Smith." The words she'd been fearful of came to be.

"On what grounds?" The judge leaned forward to look at the attorneys over his glasses. Vivian once more took note of the room- a sea of white faces.

The words of the hearing went in one ear and out the other as they began arguing the release of Peter. Vivian turned once more to see Mrs. Smith clutching her children as Vivian's mother had once held her.

Jealousy filled her being seeing their hope and promise of future. Trey's future had been taken from him without cause and even in death he was ripped of justice. Hot tears raced down her face, her hands balled at her sides, and she found herself unable to make out more than the outline of their bodies.

"Very well. The availability of parole will be granted to Mr. Smith. First hearing will be scheduled for Friday, May 13th. Court dismissed." The hammer of his gavel synced with the dropping of her head as sobs attempted to escape her throat.

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