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Vivian groaned as she pulled the large turkey from the smoker in her backyard. It was the day before Thanksgiving and she'd been assigned to cook the Turkey. Due to her family's large size, it would be impossible for one person to cook enough for everyone so they often split up dishes to those who could cook.

"Alright, where are we at?" She mumbled as she peeled the foil back to take a look at the bird. It was a new recipe- smoked Cajun turkey. She'd spent over 8 days prepping the turkey before popping it into her smoker for the last 3 hours.

The ringing of her phone caused the music blasting from her speaker to pause. With a groan, she shoved the foil back on the turkey before taking off back into the house to grab her phone.


"Vivian! I hope I'm not interrupting." Micheal's voice filled her ears and she pulled the phone back to look at the caller id for a moment.

"How'd you get my number?" She questioned as she pulled down a glass to pour herself some water- the phone held in between her chin and shoulder.

"I pulled it from Goodson. But that's besides the point because I have something bigger for you to be mad at me about." She could practically see the smile on his face.

"What is it?"

"I've got us a last minute holiday gig at the food drive on Lennox. We'll be helping hand out turkeys and packing care bags so dress warm." Silence filled the line for a moment as Vivian bit her lip to serve as a physical filter.

"No." She settled as she placed the cup on the counter. If there was one day off she loved each year, it'd be thanksgiving. Seeing her family come together to share a meal was something special that rivaled the jealousy that often trumped the Christmas spirit.

"No? What do you mean no-"

"Exactly what I said. I'm spending this holiday with my family. Take someone from your own team and campaign on your own time." Vivian returned to the smoker to see she'd yet to put the turkey back inside. Placing the phone on speaker, she set it on the rack next to the smoker before shoving the bird back in.

"You are on my team and you're my campaign manager so you're obligated to be where I am." There was a dominant tone in his words that switched on her own desire for dominance.

"Actually, Mr. Phoenix, as a campaign manager I do not have to be where you are. I'm simply obligated to make sure you get the event, so enjoy your holiday and thank you for helping the community." Without another word, she reached over and hung up the call. A shock of giddiness ripped through her midsection and she had to place her hand on her mouth to hide the large smile.

It hadn't been more than a second later before her phone rang again- the familiar number on the top of her screen. Vivian remained silently watching the phone ring over and over, her smile beaming. Micheal was the type of man who'd call her phone until it was dead then begin leaving voicemails.

It would only be a matter of time before she'd have to answer but the moment felt so good she couldn't help wallowing in it. The phone rang once more before an eerie silence filled her home. Almost two minutes went by before she realized he wasn't going to call again.

Had Micheal really given up? It was odd for a man like him but Vivian once more had to remind herself she didn't really know him. Instead of dwelling on the issue anymore, she grabbed a bag of chips and made her way to the couch to begin a movie.

The ringing of her doorbell caused her to jump, her body freezing in fear for a moment. A few seconds went by before she jumped once again as a shriek sounded from the horror movie on screen.

"Jesus devonte Christ." Placing a hand to her heart, she used the other to grab her phone so she could check her doorbell camera.

Micheal Phoenix stood on her porch, his hand coming up to press the doorbell once more. Vivian wanted to be shocked but a part of her knew better. The man was an absolute lunatic.

"Get off my porch Phoenix or I'll call the police and say you're stalking me." She spoke through the app.

"Oh, you mean Sheriff Talbert's office? Go ahead it's been a minute since we caught up." He smiled cockily into the camera.

"What do you want?" Vivian huffed but an internalized desire for male validation caused her to jump from the couch and head to fix herself up.

"I want some of whatever you're cooking in there. I can smell it from outside." His voice echoed from the phone that she'd thrown on her bed as she hurriedly pulled the stained clothing from her body. Panic ensued as she tried to calculate the perfect balance between professional, causal, and fashionable.

"Hello?" He called just as she gave up and slipped on a pair of black sweats and a dark green t-shirt.

"Hold on!" Grabbing the phone, she hustled into the bathroom to assess her hair. It sat on the top of her head in a high puff and she simply fluffed it out before slipping on a pair of fuzzy socks. Hustling back to the living room, she took a deep breath before pulling the door open.

"About time." His eyes swept her figure before he stepped inside and slid the jacket from his shoulders. Like usual, he was dressed in black slacks paired with a button down- this one a light blue. There were a number of buttons undone to showcase some of his chest and his sleeves had been rolled up.

"If I offer you some food, will you get out?" Vivian crossed her arms as she followed him into the living room. He stood with his hands on his hips as he slowly turned to take in her decor.

"What was it you said, again?" He turned to her and put his hand under his chin in thought, "Oh yeah! No."


"Call me Micheal, off the record." He joked before stepping closer to her in the archway between the kitchen and living room. Vivian felt herself swoon as his cologne clouded around her head and his gaze spoke words she chose to ignore.

"Don't push your luck, Phoenix." With a final smirk, she turned and made her way through the kitchen and out the back door- Micheal's footsteps followed.

"Damn, that smells good." He rubbed his stomach as she pulled the bird from the smoker, a billow of smoke blowing into her face. With a grunt she placed it on the rack then turned the smoker off.

"Too bad you won't be getting any." Pulling the foil back, she smiled at the crispy skin laid over juicy meat.

"Oh come on, you can't pull that out and not offer me a piece." Vivian's breathing stopped for a moment as he stepped closer to wrap his arm around her to grab the knife next to her. Their fleeting moments of contact never failed to remind her of her attraction.

Spinning around, she had to quickly pull herself together as she noticed he remained close. "Going to stab me over some turkey?"

"Maybe." He spoke as he pulled the knife up, the very top of the blade softly landed on the column of her neck before he trailed it down just before it reached her cleavage.

Silence engulfed them, the air became thick, and Vivian had to remind herself to breathe. Flames of desire licked at her calves from the action, but she'd roll over and die before admitting it.

"You've overstayed your welcome, Phoenix."

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