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Her chest heaved as she kept a firm stare on Micheal. The man looked even better up close. His long, dark lashes accentuated the breathtaking eyes while his full beard drew attention to his plump lips.

Vivian would be lying if she said she'd never had a crush on Micheal. His ability to match her drive for success was something she'd yet to find in any other partner.

"I'm sorry. It was inappropriate to put my hands on you, Vivian." The words were almost a purr as the two remained locked in eye contact. Vivian could feel the heat from his body seeping through her clothing.

"It-it's fine." She stuttered. A hitched breath escaped her as Micheal took a step closer, his chest now brushing her own. The way he looked down at her let her know exactly what he was thinking- panic quickly set itself in her core.

"You should get back to work, Phoenix." The statement was rushed from her mouth just as his eyes flickered down to her lips.

"Of course." Immediately, he backed away and took his seat. Vivian didn't spare him another glance as she rounded the desk and began working on the rest of the partners on her list. A teenage nervousness took hold of her body, disrupting her thought process completely. Her hands shook and she couldn't keep herself still in the chair.

"Nervous?" Micheal's voice filled the silence.

Vivian swallowed the lump in her throat, her eyes remaining on her monitor. "About?"

"I haven't decided yet." There was a rustling on his side that let her know he was moving. Her leg bounced furiously and her neck became warm at the thought of him being able to ready her body so well.

"Well if you figure it out, let me know." Vivian made the mistake of moving her eyes to him for a moment. The teasing smile on his face worsened her condition. Why did he have to be so handsome?

"Mm, I have a couple ideas. You let me know if I'm right." Once more there was a rustling before his spotless dress shoes clicked against the tile- looming closer and closer before they stopped.

"Meaning?" Vivian spun in her chair to see him leaning against the edge of her desk now.

"You know, ever since we were young I'd always thought we'd somehow end up together." The bold statement caused her to wrinkle her face in disgust.

"Me? With a man from the Patriotic Unity Party? Phoenix, that's one of your best jokes." A cackle let her at the thought of abandoning her morals for a man. Vivian had broken up with men for a lot less than the flaws presented from men in the P.U.

"So... if I wasn't in this party, you'd date me?" Micheal jumped at the opportunity.

"Not a shot in hell, Phoenix." Vivian rushed out despite a small voice in her mind that knew she'd thought about it once or twice.

"Why not? I mean look at me, look at you. We're both intelligent, successful, and driven- the perfect power couple. I can practically see the headlines now." He held out his hands as if to motion to numerous headlines about the pair. Looking back down at her with the cheeky smile did little to wipe the disgust from her face.

"Because the man I plan to be with will acknowledge and fight against the systemic oppression of my community." Vivian shut down the discussion quickly.

Micheal's smile fell, a look of realization once more crossing his face before it was replaced with a stale face. The sobering reality of their differences was once more brought to the forefront. Micheal lived in his privilege while Vivian was forced to face her community's oppression every day.

"Viv!" Brandon burst into the room, a bright smile on his face. "Oh, I'm sorr-"

"It's fine. Come in. Brandon, this is Micheal Phoenix." Standing from her desk, Vivian introduced the pair, watching as they shared a brief handshake.

"Nice to meet you, Brandon." Micheal sent him a tight lipped smile which Brandon returned with a stiff nod.

"Viv, look." The smile once more beamed as he shuffled closer to shove his phone into her hands. Vivian hit play on the video, her own smile becoming present as she watched Mackenzie win first place.

"Ohhh, look at my baby! Did you do her hair?" Placing her hand on her heart, Vivian felt tears spring up at the girls own tears of joy. Mackenzie practiced nonstop outside of her school work. There was no doubt she would do amazing things in life.

"Sure did. I remembered what you told me about smoothing down her hair first." Brandon often had trouble keeping up with the growing girl, so Vivian provided her guidance as much as possible.

"Alright now, look at you." She slapped his arm lightly.

"You know." Brandon brushed his shoulder off as if to gloat. She couldn't help rolling her eyes at his usual show off demeanor.

Looking over, she noticed Micheal watching the two closely. It wasn't uncommon for strangers to think the pair were together when they talked about Mackenzie. Brandon was a good man deep down and the pair were close but they both didn't see the other as anything other than a friend.

"I should get back to helping Mr. Phoenix. Um, I'm free for lunch around 3." Leaning over, she quickly checked her clock for a suitable time.

"Of course. I'll see you at 3 then." Brandon smiled at her one last time before heading for the door. "Nice meeting you, Mr. Phoenix."

Micheal simply nodded, watching as the man softly closed the door behind him. Vivian reached into her desk for a tissue before dabbing it under her eye.

"Viv, huh?"

Collision (Mature) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now