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Micheal felt his resolve slipping as Vivian pulled away from him. She waved him off as she opened the car door and threw her purse into the seat. The action was one Micheal loathed with his entire being.

"Vivian-" his comment was cut off as she dropped into the seat as if he weren't speaking. Before she could close the door, he snatch it open and pulled her from the seat.

"Let me go." Her expression mirrored the anger he felt- the final straw snapping as he realized he couldn't play nice guy with her anymore.

"What the fuck is your problem? Why can't you just admit you like me?" Micheal loosened his grip so that he wouldn't hurt her but not enough for her to flee.

"Because I don't." She pushed against his hold.

"Bullshit! I can fucking see it, Vivian. You light up when I'm around but you're so fucking independent you can't even admit that you like someone. What is it? Does it make you feel weak?" Micheal frantically questioned as he tried to figure out why she couldn't allow herself to admit it.

"Yeah! Okay, yeah. It fucking does because I don't want to end up as someone's baby momma. I deserve better than that and I'm going to get better than that." Her voice cracked and she held her head up as tears filled her eyes.

"Vivian, look at me." Micheal's heart broke as he watched her piece herself together. There was no doubt she'd been used to picking herself up. He always knew he wanted to be the one to bare the weight on her shoulders. "Look at me, please."

Like usual, she rolled her eyes before looking up at him. Micheal couldn't stand to see the broken image of the strong woman he'd always known.

"You are the most intelligent, independent, and strong willed individual I have ever met. I want to be with you because I see that. I can't speak on what will happen in the future but I do know Vivian Dash will never settle for less than she deserves." The emotional spiel wasn't something Micheal was used to, but her own vulnerability made him comfortable.

"It's scary..." she trailed off as tears once more filled her eyes. Micheal felt his heart swell knowing she felt comfortable enough to express her fears with him.

"I know, but you don't have to do this alone. It's always been me and you. It'll always be me and you." He spoke honestly as he took her face in his hands.

"You can't promise that, no one can." It pained him to know she'd experienced loss beyond what he could imagine. Micheal found himself drawing a blank on what to say- his emotional capacity met.

"Maybe not, but at least it'll be fun." He shrugged before stepping back to dodge her hits. The sound of her laughter let him know she wasn't truly upset.

"You're such a fucking idiot." She mumbled as she wiped away her tears.

"So I've been told." Micheal embraced her once more, his head leaned against her own. She didn't fight the embrace and he relished in the feeling if only for the moment.

"Wanna come to mine?" He immediately pulled back, excitement filling him at the offer. "Not for sex. I just need a drinking buddy."

"Come on, Dash. Don't tell me you're a lightweight." Micheal shook his head as he watched her hesitate on downing the shot.

They'd made it back to her apartment where they settled on the living room floor with a bottle of liquor and two shot glasses. A movie played on the t.v. but neither of them paid it any attention.

Collision (Mature) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now