With one last nod, Harry lifted his hood and made his way through the crowd, his walk becoming more graceful as he got used to his true form. He didn't realise that every goblin at one point looked up and stared as he passed, that his aura even masked as it was still called out to them, warning them of his power. That to them, his graceful walk appeared almost magical, like a predator in the night.
Diagon Alley, 5th June 1998
The ancient streets of Diagon Alley were practically empty, not that this was surprising. Many of the stores were boarded up, having closed during the war because of Voldemort and his attacks, then because of the control of the ministry. However, there were a few people milling about, cautiously trying to get on with their lives now that Voldemort was gone. Harry felt a twinge of sadness as he looked around at the derelict streets and destruction; he could still remember his feelings of wonder and excitement the first time he entered Diagon Alley with Hagrid all those years ago. Looking around now, he felt none of that; gone was the whimsical fantasy of the bright windows and displays, gone was the magic. Even Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes failed to add joy to the dark alley, the windows dark and lifeless. Thinking of the twins, Harry wondered if the shop would ever be able to really regain its former glory.
Thinking of the Weasleys, Harry once again felt his anger return. They knew, they had to have known, he thought. It would be far too much of a coincidence for Dumbledore to add loyalty charms to them. Thinking about this, Harry wondered how they had been added, before the realisation hit him. The first Hogwarts letter he received, that was the only explanation. Harry wouldn't have noticed the feeling of such charms, back then he was completely oblivious.
Wondering about who in the Weasley family he could really trust, Harry continued towards Eeylops Owl Emporium, happy to see it was still in business. Although he would never be able to replace Hedwig, who was his first true friend and only real confidant, he was in need of an owl; he would be dammed if he continued to use Pig. However, before he reached his destination, Harry was drawn out of his musing by a hissed whisper.
"Really Ronald, you need to learn to keep your mouth shut!" Came Hermione's voice, the scathing tone carrying up from a dark side alley.
Thinking quickly, Harry stepped back into the shadow of a doorway and quickly cast a disillusionment charm on himself before they could see him.
"I don't see what the big deal is," Ron replied.
"Idiot," hissed Hermione as they appeared, moving quickly. Deciding to follow them, Harry cast a silencing charm on himself.
"The big deal is that you almost gave away what we needed the ingredients for!"
"Please, like he would recognise that," Ron said, "and even if he did, it wouldn't matter - we're heroes!" The arrogance in his voice made Harry wince, and he questioned how he had ever been friends with him, potions or not.
"Of course, he would recognise the ingredients to a love potion, you idiot! They're highly illegal and controlled," Hermione's condescending voice rang out even though she was whispering.
"I don't see why you couldn't just keep using mum's potion on him, it worked before," Ron said mulishly as they entered the apothecary.
"It's obviously lost its potency or else Harry's become immune. If it was working correctly he would never have left Ginny at your house alone, or consider not going to school," Hermione said matter-of-factly. At hearing his name Harry stiffened and hissed darkly, the almost animalistic sound luckily being covered by his silencing charm.

Harry Potter and The Shadowed Light
FanfictionAfter the final battle Harry learns some unsettling truths about himself and those who he trusts the most. Forced to come to terms with the revelations, Harry decides to get even with those who've wronged him and embrace who he his by going back to...