How to get rid of a peacock

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"You know how we've been having trouble finding proof that Lockhart is a fraud?" Sirius asked.


"Well, it seems Harry asked Ms. Skeeter to look into it and she's found the evidence we need."

"Really? I thought that Dumbledore and his supporters in the ministry were making it hard for the investigators."

Sirius grumbled, "He was - why he wants the fraud to keep his job, I don't know."

"He probably fears what the repercussions will be if the public finds out he hired such a fool," Remus said.

"It shouldn't matter, he has a duty of care and he's failing," Sirius said happily.

Remus chuckled. "Most people would look sad by that."

"I'm not most people."

"Are you going to let Harry or Lucius know?"

"Yes, I'll write to them both," Sirius promised. Oh, what a good day this was turning out to be.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Late November 1992

Harry was counting down the days until the 21st of December; he wanted to see what would come from Luna's insight. He knew it would be spectacular thanks to the build up provided by Sirius and Lucius. Looking back, Harry was glad that the two had never teamed up in his last life - together they were a force to be reckoned with.

It had started up immediately after what Harry called his coming out—after he had set Rita onto Lockhart. Harry had waited with bated breath each morning, reading the subtle hints she would drop.

It had started with an article on the illegality of memory charms.


Ministry Blunders: Memory Charms Not So Charming

By Rita Skeeter

In a recent investigation, I, Rita Skeeter, journalist extraordinaire and seeker of truth, went undercover to discover the secrets of the Ministry's lack of control when it comes to one of the most delicate branches of mind magic...


The article had brought to light how easily mind magic, like the Obliviate charm, can be used and abused and how the ministry had no procedures set in place for the control of the branch.

After reading it, Harry had watched in fascination as Lockhart held his composure. The man really was a good actor when the situation called for it - the only sign he was bothered by the article was a slight tightening of his eyes and a subtle stiffening of his back.

Next came an article on Azkaban, the conditions, and a proposal for a tightening of sentences.


Azkaban: The Truth - Dementors or Demons?

By Rita Skeeter

Many of us know the name, but how many can say they know the truth about Azkaban? I, Rita Skeeter, journalist extraordinaire and seeker of truth, decided it was time to really expose the deep dark secrets of the hellish island...


That article had made the man blanche and Harry snort. True, the prison was nothing to joke about and thinking of Sirius there made him shiver, but the man's reaction was gold. Severus also quickly caught on to the ongoing situation after a particularly entertaining article and cornered Harry after a Potions lesson.

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