Let the disillusionment begin

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Having had his blood inheritance results and being cleansed, Sirius realised now that most of his behaviour was influenced by his Hogwarts letter and the compulsions placed on it; not that his family wasn't awful, but they were not awful because of their magical classification. They were just awful people in general - well, most of them.

Sirius though, he had denied his own magic and forced himself to become something he was not. He was a Dark wizard. Not a bad person or a sadist, but his magic was naturally Dark. Forcing himself to only do Light magic and become a Light wizard was unnatural for him; it had made him weaker. He would be dammed if he would force Harry to be anything other than who he was and, in the short time he had been with the boy, he suspected the boy was Dark. How Dark, he didn't know, but he would support his godson no matter what.

Harry had given Sirius back his freedom, both from Azkaban and from Dumbledore. He would do anything for him now.


The next morning, Harry and the two men had breakfast together before Sirius left for his appointment at St. Mungo's. Harry's appointment wasn't until noon, so he and Remus had some time.

Harry was waiting for Hedwig to return with his letters and the daily newspaper, anxious to see how the paper reported Sirius' release and trial. Setting aside his replies, Harry gave Hedwig some treats and unrolled the paper.


Ministry Blunders - Who Else is Innocent?

By Rita Skeeter

Yesterday in a shock trial, which had members of the Wizengamot unaware until the trial itself, revealed shocking ministry injustices.

Sirius Black, renowned for being a mass murderer and supporter of You-Know-Who, was found to have been innocent of all crimes! The man, now 31, was imprisoned without a trial in Azkaban ten years ago after being accused of the murders of Peter Pettigrew - who has been found by aurors in the last few days - and twelve muggles. In a great twist, it has been revealed that it was Pettigrew who betrayed the Potter family to You-Know-Who, resulting in their murder and it was Pettigrew who killed the twelve muggles. The man is an unregistered rat animagus and was found just days before the trial of Mr. Black by Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt.

What happens next? Who knows, but it begs the question: if Mr. Black is innocent, how many more are?

This reporter aims to find out.


Harry smirked as he read the article before handing the paper to Remus. Picking up his letters, Harry was slightly relieved that Susan hadn't sent a howler. Reading her letter first, Harry opened it.



Harrison James Potter, you don't know how lucky you are that this letter isn't a howler. My aunt refused to do the charm for me - so you should thank her later!

How could you keep this from us?! You know we would have helped you!

Screw Dumbledore - yes, I swore - we're your friends, Harry! We will always stand by you and help to support you.

You had better not keep anything from us again without a great reason!

When we meet up on the 1st, you had better be prepared to answer all my questions mister, or I will not be happy.

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