A complete soul, more or less..

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"Just who are you, my Harrison?"

"He's my master," Death said causing Marvolo to turn his head sharply and on reflex reach for a wand that wasn't there, Harry however jumped before rolling his eyes.

"Death," he said chiding himself slightly for forgetting about the being's presence. How he had done so he didn't know as the aura Death gave off was stifling.

"who are you?" Marvolo hissed, being taken by surprise as he didn't think there was anybody else in the room.

"I am what you fear most, Tom Marvolo Riddle. I am the last thing people see, the silent shadow-"

Harry rolled his eyes at this and cut off Deaths poetic speech, "this is Death, the embodiment, guardian, being, whatever you want to believe."

Marvolo had gone shock still and white as he stared at Death in horror before his panicked gaze found Harry.

"I think you have some talking to do my little mate." He said, although with his red eyes locked onto him, Harry thought it sounded more like a threat.


Making sure to keep the glare he wanted to send hidden, as master or not you didn't want to piss off Death, Harry turned to the being in the corner of the room.

"Thank you for coming Death and for allowing Marvolos return. I am truly grateful but I think it would be best if you vanished for now. If I need you or you wish to talk further on the ritual then come to me again but now is not that time."

"As you wish master," Death said before turning to Marvolo, "until we meet again." With that the being slowly seemed to melt into the shadows, taking with it some for the heaviness in the air.

"Talk Harrison." Marvolo said, his voice coming out slightly strangled as his eyes darted around the room, lingering on the shadows with suspicion.

"I suppose I should, but first I think it best if you recover yourself a bit more, I swear to you I will tell you everything when you're well enough." Harry said slowly, he could tell Marvolo's mind wasn't yet clear and he didn't wat to add to that burden.

"I am fine," Marvolo insisted, he didn't care about the pain or the confusion, no what he cared about was how his mate had conquered death itself, something he couldn't do. He wanted, no, needed to know how. Feeling his mind going off on a tangent he tried to focus, how easily his mind slipped into madness was disturbing him... he could tell something wasn't right.

"If you're in half as much pain as me then I know that's a lie."

The words caused Marvolo to still and finally break through the haze that had started to build up, he didn't want Harrison in pain. The idea of it made him uneasy, which itself perturbed him as he wasn't used to caring about other people's needs or wants. Yet he wanted Harrison to be well, he needed it.

Looking now he could see the strain in those expressive green eyes and the slight sheen of sweat on Harrison's brow, that he hadn't previously noted them made Marvolo frown.

"You are in pain." Was said as a statement, rather than a question.

"I've had worse," Harrison said, the pain was fading now, his muscles aching but in a dull way.

The words cause the frown to deepen and Marvolo wondered on them, he would find out exactly what or who had caused his little mate pain and he would make them regret it. Briefly his eyes tracked the faded scars he could see on his mate and he vowed to himself that for each one the people who caused them would suffer a year in his care.

Harry Potter and The Shadowed LightWhere stories live. Discover now