Harry Potter and the Shadowed Light
Chapter 41
"The twins are recovering well, Rabastan seems mentally stronger while Rodolphus physically seems fitter. Mulciber is still catatonic. Rookwood is responding to treatment surprisingly well, while Dolohov seems to be struggling to remain in the present. Bellatrix is as I said struggling, physically she is responding but her self-control is gone, her moods are swinging between violence and mania rapidly and her grasp on reality is limited. Travers has still yet to awaken."
Marvolo nodded, out of them it would seem he would only have three followers to reintroduce, less than he hoped but better than nothing. Still the problems Bellatrix was causing were a concern, especially with Hogwarts term ending. He didn't want her causing his little raven any problems. He had visited them twice since recovering them but he didn't have time to go more often and his presence seemed to set Bellatrix off even more.
"That's good." He said, "now about the elf, authorise them to use force if necessary, to protect themselves against her."
Lucius was shocked, "My Lord?"
"If Harrison finds out I let her harm the elves assigned to help her, he won't be happy, so allow them to protect themselves."
Lucius struggled not to gape, "yes My Lord," he replied.
"Now if there's nothing else I need to finish these before the boys return tomorrow."
Nodding the blonde lord left, shocked about how much his life had changed in the space of a few years.
Groggy green eyes snapped open as consciousness was suddenly regained. Blinking around, the black-haired youth took in their surroundings. Their head hurt, but that wasn't the most alarming thing, no, it was the taste on their tongue that caused the most concern... they couldn't identify the specific potion, but they knew it meant nothing good.
"Oh dear, this isn't good," they muttered, their airy voice filling the silence.
"Harry, my love you're awake!" a manic voice said before suddenly a jittery looking Ginny Weasley was pushing her way into the youth's lap.
I" was so worried when you hit your head, but it's okay my love. I'm here now and everything will be fine."
Green eyes blinked, I hit my head?"
"Oh yes... on a quaffle. Yes, you were playing a game of pick up quidditch with Ron and you hit you head. Ron was so worried as well, seeing as he's your best friend," the red head said, eyes gleaming.
I see..." again the green eyes slowly blinked.
"It's okay Harry, just listen to me, I'll help you when you're confused. So many people will tell you lies, but not me. Never me. I'll help you remember..."
"Yes, my love..."
"You really shouldn't have done this."
The effect of the words was immediate, "what?" the girl shrieked, her impersonation of a banshee impressive, clearly a skill inherited from her mother.
However, before the black-haired youth could reply a rippling took over their body, black hair lengthened and turned blonde, green eyes lightened and turned blue.

Harry Potter and The Shadowed Light
FanfictionAfter the final battle Harry learns some unsettling truths about himself and those who he trusts the most. Forced to come to terms with the revelations, Harry decides to get even with those who've wronged him and embrace who he his by going back to...