Harry Potter and the Shadowed Light
Chapter 44
Moody shook his head in disgust, "you're wrong Albus, and I done with this. I'll do my year, teach the students, but don't come to me for anything else."
"You need help Albus."
Dumbledore was shocked to the core; how could his followers abandon him?
Harry followed his head of house through the corridor towards their tower.
"How are you feeling Harrison?" he asked.
Harry scrunched his nose, "relieved that I don't have to compete, yet also annoyed that I almost did," he admitted.
"Calling on Lady Magic... that was an inspired plan," the part goblin praised.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, "I can't claim credit for that, it was Lunas's idea really."
"Ah miss Lovegood. She is a delight."
Harry beamed, "she's truly one of a kind."
"I'm glad that you two found each other, you both bring out the best in one another."
Approaching the statue that guarded Ravenclaw tower, Harry turned to the part goblin, "I just wanted to say, thank you sir, for always helping me and being there whenever I need you."
Flitwick smiled, sad that Harry felt the need to thank him, he was doing his job. He was supposed to help and protect his students, "It's quite alight Harrison. I am always here if you ever want or need me."
Entering the tower after answering the riddle, Harry was met with a crowd of scrutinising eyes.
"What was all that about Potter?" Fernandez asked, the seventh year staring at him with expectation.
Harry wanted to roll his eyes, "as you all saw, Weasley thought he would enter my name, I have no desire to be a tri-wizard champion, so called on magic in the hope she would help me. That she did was an unexpected honour, but I feel blessed."
"Why did he do it?" one of the first years called
"I'm not sure, as many of the older years can attest to though, Weasley has always been obsessed with me. This could just be another one of his attempts at gaining my attention."
"Will he be punished?" Cho Chang asked.
"No, he won't, even though I believe it worthy of punishment. Other than the age line, how he bypassed that I don't know, he didn't technically break any rules or laws."
"But the tournament is dangerous, you could have died," Chang cried out passionately.
Harry was surprised by her outrange; he hadn't spoken to the girl once since his return.
"I am aware. Still other than point loss and some detention, he won't face any legal repercussions for his actions."
Fernandez frowned, "you could have died," he said angrily, "or been maimed."
The muttering picked up as his fellow ravens were clearly upset at one of their own had been attacked.
"I refuse to support him," somebody shouted.
"...He's a cheat!"
"...A coward!"
"...He doesn't represent us!"

Harry Potter and The Shadowed Light
FanfictionAfter the final battle Harry learns some unsettling truths about himself and those who he trusts the most. Forced to come to terms with the revelations, Harry decides to get even with those who've wronged him and embrace who he his by going back to...