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"I do believe Harrison that you still have a lot left to tell me, but for now I fear I must rest and regain what I have lost." He knew his mind was repairing itself, but he was self-aware enough to realise he needed time to restore order.

Harry nodded and stood, "nobody but I can enter these rooms, you can of course call Kreacher to you if you need anything." Walking past him mate Harry stilled before giving into whim and leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to the man's cheek, "for now rest, and if you need me send Kreacher," straightening quickly Harry left the room, before Marvolo could react.

Marvolo stilled at the soft press of lips and the ensuing sensation they brought, not just the physical but the magical. His whole soul sang out at the press to his cheek and it left him reeling, enough that he didn't even notice his mate leave. Standing he made his was slowly towards the bed, deciding he would punish his mate for his escape when he was able to actually move without pain and think without lapses into madness.


Harry didn't know what had possessed him to give into the urge, but leaning against the door he had rushed through, he couldn't deny the results were worth the risk. His soul was humming with joy and his magic was practically buzzing. In comparison to the apathy and general lethargy he had been feeling it was almost overwhelming. With a smirk which was rather out of place on his currently 12-year-old body, he pushed off from the door and made his way back towards the ritual room, he was sure the rest would have questions for him, and if not, well he was finally feeling alive and he didn't want to waste the feeling simply standing around.


Walking back to the ritual room Harry couldn't help but to smile lightly, Tom was back- No, Marvolo was back- it was going to take some time for him to think of Tom as Marvolo, but he was sure he would manage. Entering the room, he noted how Severus and Lucius both flinched before relaxing marginally when they saw it was only him.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, however I fear that the dementors damaged the mutt more than we initially suspected," Severus sneered, looking at Sirius with narrowed eyes however his gaze didn't hold the animosity Harry used to see.


"It's nothing, little Lord," Lucius interrupted, hoping to not bring his Lords wrath down upon them if he ever found out what Sirius had said about him.

Harry quirked a brow at the title, "Harrison is fine Lucius, I'm no Lord."

"I believe my Lord would prefer us to speak to you with more respect,"

Harrys paused then about to argue but realised Lucius may be right, he wasn't sure just how Marvolo would react, in all honesty he wasn't sure yet just who is soul mate really was.

"Is our Lord recovered?" Severus said, seeing that Harrison had been silenced by Lucius's words.

"Yes, the ritual was a success, I've left him to recover himself in peace. I doubt he will call on you today so if you need to you can leave, I am grateful to you both for being here." Harry added the last bit sincerely, knowing that both had held some reservations about returning the dark Lord to life. Severus more so than Lucius, but still they had both shown their loyalty and Harry was grateful as he knew the next few months and possibly years would be trying.

"I shall return to my manor then, little Lord. If you need anything do not hesitate to contact me, I shall have rooms prepared for my Lord, that is if you still think it's best for him to move there?" Lucius asked.

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