foolish plans of a peacock

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Gilderoy Lockhart was panicking. He was caught, trapped, and that senile old man could do nothing to help him. How it had come to this he didn't know. He was beloved by all, a hero, cherished and adored. Actually, that was a lie, he knew exactly who to blame. He knew who's fault this was and, if he had his way, he would get his revenge.

Harry Potter would rue the day he challenged the great Gilderoy Lockhart.


21th December 1992

Harry could practically feel the excitement pouring off him; it wasn't just the actual event, but the knowing why that made him giddy. He hated Lockhart and, yes, he was a fraud, but even with his new, albeit looser, morals he just couldn't see why he would actually feed the man to Aithusia.

He had enjoyed the man's obvious distress brought on by being bound in the wards for the last few days—that added to his reactions to Rita's articles had actually made his repeated second year slightly enjoyable. How he was going to cope with another five years he wasn't sure - perhaps he should consider skipping a few?

"What's got you so happy, Harry?" Neville asked. They were in Herbology and Harry had paired with the blond Gryffindor for the day.

"I'm not that happy." Harry tried to play it off. The fact he wasn't occluding his emotions was showing just how comfortable he was with the young lion.

"Oh, I thought it was because we only have today until we break up for Yule."

Harry blinked in shock when he realised Neville was correct; he had honestly forgotten about that in his build-up to today. He had owl ordered his gifts weeks ago but his mind had been completely focused on just how and why Gilderoy Lockhart would earn his wrath.

"Well, Yule is always something to be excited about," Harry said. This Yule would bring him the best gift: he would be one step closer to having Tom back.

"It will be your first one with Sirius and Remus," Neville commented.

Harry nodded and hoped that with everything going on the pair hadn't forgotten to get everything he would require for Tom's ritual.

"I know. It will be my first proper holiday with them - my birthday doesn't count."

Neville smiled. "I'm glad that you're happy, Harry. You deserve it."

Harry sent the Gryffindor a look. "So do you, Nev. How's your gran been treating you? And your uncle Algie?"

Neville shrugged a shoulder. "They're nicer to me now that I'm here and have friends. I swear gran almost cried when she saw my grades last year - not a single T, even in Potions."

"That's good. You know you could always come and spend a few days with me over the holidays, I'm sure Sirius and Remus would love having you. They could even teach you a few things!"

Neville's smile widened. "I could write to gran and ask before we go to the feast."

Harry nodded. "Do it."

"Thanks Harry, you really are the best friend I could have ever had. Without you I would probably be a friendless Hufflepuff."

Harry shook his head. "I don't think there is such a thing as a friendless Hufflepuff but even without me you would have been a lion. You're brave Neville and you will be a great wizard. You don't need me for that."

Neville smiled bashfully making Harry smirk. "Now enough of this, show me how I'm supposed to make these things stop crying and trying to bite me," Harry said, indicating to the baby mandrakes.

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