Call me Marvolo

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Kingsley smiled before he remembered why he wanted to talk to the young man in front of him, "I wished to speak to you to pass along my concerns," he said


"Yes. I do not know what is going on between you and the headmaster, but I can tell something is and I just wanted you to know that if you ever need me I am willing to aid you to the best of my ability."

Harry was shocked, he hadn't really interacted with Kingsley, only in class and that incident with the book, but he had noticed the dark-skinned man watching him occasionally.

"Thank you, sir," Harry said.

"I know you probably won't, but I wanted to offer you my aid anyway."

"Harry," Luna's soft voice broke the serious atmosphere, "we need to get going Harry, if were to make it to the carriages on time,"

"Don't let me keep you Mr Potter," Kingsley said, sending them both nods before moving on down the corridor.

"Now that was interesting," Harry muttered as he took Luna's arm and started walking towards the castle doors.

Pushing the possible reasons for Kinsley's pledge out of his mind Harry focused on what was to come. He had a soul mate to make whole.


June 21st, 1992, The Hogwarts Express


Harry allowed his magic to flow and gently surround his friends as they sat in their compartment on the train. He had wanted to give them this chance to relax as he didn't know what would happen once Tom was back. He hoped that Tom wouldn't re-start the war in the same way he had previously. Harry didn't want senseless violence, nor for his friends to be forced to grow up to quickly like he had had to previously.

Eventually however the calm Harrys magic had created faded and Harry was drawn into their conversations, allowing for his magic to return to him.

"So Harrison, do you have any plans for the summer?" Pansy asked.

"I do," Harry said, "I will be bringing Tom back."

Hearing this the compartment fell silent as everybody thought about what that would mean. They had all spent time processing everything Harry had told them about 'Tom' but they still couldn't quite believe it.

"Are you sure that you want to do this Harry?" Neville asked hesitantly after a few moments had passed.

He had come to terms with the thought of the Dark Lord returning but he still had some reservations. He didn't want another war, and a small part of him felt like he was betraying his parents. However, he trusted Harry, his friend, his first true friend, who had stood by him, supported him and helped him. If Harry said that this time would be different and lead to a better future, then he would stand with him.

Harry sent his friend a sad smile, "yes, I'm sure. I know the risks and I'm prepared for them, but Tom will return."

Hearing Harrys ominous words, the group once again fell into silence, them each considering what the Dark Lords return would mean to them personally.

"Does my father know of your plans?" Draco asked.

Harry smiled, "he does, he is good ally to have."

Draco nodded his head slowly, before a look of realisation took over his face.

"That's why he talks to you like an adult and acts like he does around you!" the blonde said suddenly, having worked out why his father treated Harry with the respect he did.

Harry Potter and The Shadowed LightWhere stories live. Discover now