"Well, you make me look like a novice," he joked.
Harry sent him a bland look. "Hardly, I just find that magic comes much more easily to me, especially since I had my blocks removed last summer. I can sense magic, feel it, and with my memory I don't really need to practice a spell more than once before I've got it for good."
Sirius hummed. The explanation was true, but it felt like there was something missing. "Well, I'm probably at the same stage as you right now. My healer recommended me coming in and practicing for half an hour a day, but my stamina is shot," he admitted.
Harry made sure not to look sympathetic. "Give yourself some time - you know you'll get there," he said with conviction.
Sirius smiled. "Well, maybe you could join me. You can show me what else you know - don't think I was fooled by those firstie spells."
Harry nodded. "I suppose I could practice with you." Harry would just have to stick to 4th year and below.
30th July 1992
By the time Neville's birthday came around, Harry had developed a minor routine with Sirius and Remus. In the few days they had been together, all three men had sorted out their own lives around each other. Harry would wake up and immediately head to the library (he was so close to finding an answer he could practically feel it; he hoped it wasn't just wishful thinking, but his magic seemed to be humming, making Harry believe he was getting close.) After that, Harry would have lunch when Sirius arrived and then go with him to practice his magic. He had slowly upped his skill level, nothing drastic, when he noted that Sirius wasn't going to say anything. He knew he needed to sit both men down and explain a few things to them soon, but he hoped he would be able to wait until after the custody trial had passed - and maybe after he had a way to return Tom to sanity. It would definitely make it easier to sell if his soulmate was sane.
For Sirius, he would go to his healer's appointments in the mornings, have lunch, and then spend half an hour with Harry in the duelling room. By that time he would disappear, usually to have a short nap. Sirius was also working through his family's journals, looking up Wizengamot rules and rulings. He had told Harry and Remus during dinner that he would use all the power he could to ensure he won his custody suit. The temporary grant of custody to Remus was a bonus they could and would use, but Sirius appearing interested in re-entering the world as a proper pureblood Lord would be beneficial.
Remus, as opposed to his more active family members, seemed to putter in and around all day. He would spend time with Harry while Sirius was at his healer's appointments, letting Harry read and research in the library, while he himself flicked through books. Then he would go out and run errands in the afternoons. There had been the first real argument the other day when Remus spoke about the full moon; it would occur on the 5th, meaning Remus would not have to worry the custody trial, but he was refusing to allow Harry or Sirius to get him the Wolfsbane potion. Remus had told them he was wanting to become less dependent on them anymore than he already was.
Harry had pointed out he knew a reliable Potions Master, which had led to an even greater argument as Sirius was reminded that Harry not only knew Severus, but also liked and respected the man greatly.
28th June 1992
"I don't understand why you're being so difficult about this, Moony. I have more money than I could ever spend. Even if I lived to be 1000 and penniless, I want to do this for you!" Sirius shouted, standing up from the table and pacing.

Harry Potter and The Shadowed Light
FanfictionAfter the final battle Harry learns some unsettling truths about himself and those who he trusts the most. Forced to come to terms with the revelations, Harry decides to get even with those who've wronged him and embrace who he his by going back to...