Messed Up

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Warning it is very long

"How are you doing Chloe" Dr.Marshall asked Chloe as she walked sat in her chair next to the ultrasound machine.

"I'm good, she's been making me very uncomfortable though." Chloe said as Dr.Marshall nodded

"yeah that's pretty common in the last weeks, after all your 35 weeks along, she's running out of room hun." Dr.Marshall said as Chloe chuckled.

"Jackson has massaged all he can," Chloe said as Dr.Marshall chuckled

" I bet you have... ok blood work looks good, levels are all good, your weight is good." Dr.Marshall said as she flipped through papers.

"All right Chloe lay back for me and let's look at baby," Dr.Marshall said as Chloe laid back and rolled the paper down. Dr.Marshall squirted gel onto her stomach before she turned the ultrasound on.

"alright let's take a quick peek." Dr.Marshall said as Chloe put her hands behind her head

"Baby is measuring good, still a little small but sometimes that's ok, we'll just make sure to check her over when you deliver. She's already head down though so that's good. She's low too so you may deliver early Chloe, just be prepared." The doctor said as Chloe nodded.

"if that ok though that she's already low and I'm only 35 weeks." Chloe asked and the Doctor nodded as she pressed buttons.

"yeah, a lot of women don't make it to their due dates and that is perfectly fine, we'll just watch you closer to the 37 week mark." Dr. Marshall said as Chloe nodded.

"where's Jackson if I may ask," Dr.Marshall asked as Chloe sucked her breath in deep.

"you ok Chloe," Dr.Marshall said as Chloe nodded breathing deeply.

"yeah I've had these really strong pains all day though," Chloe said as Dr.Marshall nodded.

"but Jackson is at his game right now, I'm heading there after this appointment," Chloe said as Dr.Marshall put a pair of gloves on.

"ok Chloe I want you to bend your knees and put your feet together, I wanna see fi your dilating since you've been having these pains all day." Dr.Marshall said as Chloe did as she was told.Dr.Marshall checked her over quickly before pulling her gloves off.

"ok Chloe so you are already dilated to a 2 so I think that this baby is gonna come earlier than we hoped for." Dr.Marshall said as Chloe bugged her eyes.

"don't worry but I do want you to come back up here tomorrow so I can check you over again, if you've dilated any more I'm gonna induce you and we're gonna have a baby." Dr.Marshall said as Chloe nodded.

"alight hun take it very easy today ok, you're good to go" Dr.Marshall said as Chloe nodded and Dr.Marshall walked out of the room. Chloe finished getting dressed. She walked out of the room and checked out before she headed to her car.

Chloe POV

The second I got to my car I called Jackson, he should still be in the locker room since they had two hours till the game.

"hey baby" Jackson said as I pulled out of my parking spot

"hey babe" I said

how'd the appointment go

Umm good but I'm dilating already and I'm at a two so I have to come back up here tomorrow to make sure that I'm not dilating anymore because I'm only 35 weeks.

Oh wow so you're gonna go home and rest right

What, no I'm going to the game Jackson... I'll be sitting down the entire time.

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