House Shopping

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Chloe POV

I was currently sipping on tea in my moms kitchen. I was staying with my mom util me and Jackson moved to Atlanta. We emailed the college last week after my doctors appointment and told them what was going to happen and they were onboard 100%. I am going to continue my education online as much as I can until the baby is born then I will do my in person classes once the baby is born.

"Chloe," Cole said as he walked downstairs.

"yes," I asked him as I walked out into the living room.

"can I go with y'all shopping today, mom's getting on my nerves?" Cole asked me as I rubbed my stomach. My bump had just appeared overnight.

"yeah I guess," I said as I sat on the couch next to him and threw my feet in his lap.

"excuse you," he said as I chuckled at him.

"you love me," I said as he rolled his eyes and turned back to the TV.

"when are we leaving to head to Atlanta," Cole asked me as I checked my phone for the time.

"umm like 30 minutes," I said as he nodded and slipped my feet off of him so he could go get dressed.


"Can you drive any faster please," I asked Cole as we flew threw the streets of Atlanta.

"I'm sorry you didn't pee before we left," He said as I groaned.

"I did  but I'm Pregnant," I said as he chuckled. He turned into Jackson's mom's neighborhood. We drove towards the back before pulling into his driveway where I got out once Cole turned the car off. I walked up to the front door and knocked when Jackson answered it.

"Hi baby," he said as he kissed me and rubbed my belly.

"Hi... please move I have to pee," I said as I ran past him to the bathroom.


Jackson POV

"hey Cole" I said as I man-hugged him.

"hey man... little sis said I could tag along, mom was getting annoying today," Cole said as I nodded.

"I understand, my dad is coming with us sadly. He's paying for it till I get my first check after I officially sign," I said as Cole nodded and closed the door as we walked to the living room as Chloe came out and gave me a real hug.

"how's baby treating you," I asked Chloe as she sat in my lap and I  wrapped my arms around her stomach and rubbed it.

"He makes me pee every 30 minutes," She said as I smirked

"a boy huh," I asked her as she nodded

"yeah I have a feeling," She said as I smirked.

"I think it's a girl," I said as she chuckled.

"you know what they say, mothers intuition," my mom said as she came sat on the other couch.

"I think it's a girl," Cole said as I high fives him.

"I think it's a boy," My mom said as Chloe leaned up and high fives her

"I have a really good feeling it's a girl... you wanna make a bet," I asked her as she gasped.

"you wanna bet on our babies gender?" she asked me as I nodded.

"yeah we find out at the next appointment so why not," I said as she nodded.

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