-Chapter 13-

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"My name's Oliver Jaccobs." The man looks timid as he approaches me, almost as if he fears I'll bite. I even let the notion cross my mind. They think of me as an animal anyway, one they have to put down, why not give them what they want? "Come along now," he reaches for my arm, "let's get you to my house." Then almost as an afterthought he adds, "I can't believe I spent twelve-thousand dollars on you."

I wonder what he means. Why did he spend so much money just to see me put to death in a matter of days? Or did he not really care for the Leader's game to begin with, feeling that he needed to bid just to appease the man he serves? Whatever the case, he looks less than satisfied as he pulls me down from the stage.

I hear Charlie say my name nearby, but I don't turn to look at him. He's betrayed me over and over again. Once I could have excused had it not been a complete disregard for us all. His betrayal cut beyond our bond. It severed his friendship and familial ties with Kane and his men, a deep lust for power blinding him, driving him.

"My car's waiting outside," Mr. Jaccobs grumbles, his wrinkled hand shaking against my arm as he walks, his steps slow and uncertain.

"We'll see you in a few days," I hear the Leader shout to us, his grin evident in his voice, despite my back being to him, "I'll be anxiously awaiting your return."

My stomach turns, and I try to breathe.

"It's that car there," the old man dragging me along explains, looking out into the dark morning sky, a black vehicle nearly blending in on the pavement below.

"Allow me," a voice says behind us.

I have long since come to recognize Paul's voice, but my reaction to it has changed. Only a few weeks ago I would have been relieved to have him by my side, but now, I feel fear skitter through my body, wishing for a brief moment that the old man will refuse his offer.

That of course doesn't happen, and Paul takes Mr. Jaccob's place as he hobbles down the stairs, Paul guiding me toward the vehicle. I stiffen, not wanting his fingers around my arm, not wanting to be anywhere near him.

"You're willing to die for him, huh?" he asks, an edge to his voice.

"I'm not dying for him," I look over at Paul for a second, letting myself be honest with him, "I want to live for him, but if I have to die for the Year Movement, so be it. Kane's stronger than you give him credit for."

"I knew him before you did," Paul's voice is quiet, seemingly authentic for just a fragment of time, "and he's always cared too deeply. His heart will destroy him."

"How could you let this happen?" I pull away from him, closing the distance between me and the waiting car. My disdain and disappointment hang heavy in the air between us. I let this man comfort me while Kane was locked in the Cells. I asked this man for help when my brother was being manipulated by the Government. It was all him. He looked me in the eyes and told me how sorry he was, how he'd do anything to help me. Those lies haven't been forgotten. I relied on him, and he used that.

"I wish it could be different," he whispers, and despite everything, this at least seems to be a true statement, something resembling sadness passing through Paul's eyes.

I grit my teeth, meeting Paul's gaze. "Everyone keeps saying that to me, but unless someone starts making things different, I won't believe you. If you wanted things to be different, you would have done something to stop this from happening."

Paul's mouth opens, but closes just as quickly, his gaze dropping to his shoes. With a nod he turns away, Mr. Jaccobs having joined us.

"Be glad you're not going to grow old," the man says gruffly, walking to the other side of the car, sliding into the seat next to where I'm supposed to sit. I let the crass comment roll off my shoulders. Maybe he truly means it, not caring that the comment is less than considerate of my situation.

I watch as Paul retreats up the stairs of the Leader's mansion, hoping he'll turn around and be the change I need, that the Year Movement needs. Perhaps he'll realize that there's still time to do something for our nation that will truly make a positive difference. Maybe deep down he still cares for the people he's lived with for years, those he's considered friends and family.

Instead I'm met with a car door slammed in my face and a glimpse of Paul as he steps back inside, a dog running away to lick its wounds.

"Over there, that room on the left," Mr. Jaccobs points a knobby finger at a door ahead of us, "you can stay in there."

"Thank you," I say despite the fact that I'm not thankful to be staying here. This is merely a resting point before my death.

"I get up late, but you can feel free to get up whenever. Don't try any funny business though," he levels me with a look. "I have this house wired. Any tripped door or window will alert me and the nearest Agents if you try to leave. Best not to cause trouble."

I nod. I'm past "funny business". There's no point in me fighting the inevitable. It'll only hurt myself and those I love further. No, the fight for me is over, but the Year Movement has so much more to do. That has to be enough. 

A/N ~ Hello Year Movement! I hope you're all doing well. It's been a tough week in my family, and to be honest, around the world. Again, I hope that despite it all you are all staying safe and healthy! I am planning to have an updating schedule (I know, I know, it's so long overdue. But I will not be disclosing that until I am sure I will be able to do so.) I can say that Chapter 14 will be posted on January 20th, however. 


1.) Thoughts on Mr. Jaccobs?

2.) How do you feel about Paul and Charlie after all that's taken place?

3.) What do you think is going to happen? 

4.) What do you want to happen? (may or may not be the same as the above)

Until next time!


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