-Chapter 2-

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  "I assume you've been filled in," the Leader walks into the room, and his presence jars me. I have become so used to the face of Charlie's facade that I have forgotten that this man is truly in charge.

Kane steps closer, putting himself between me and the Leader.

"And," He continues, "I think it's time you leave."

"What do you mean?" Kane asks, his rigid stance loosening up as shock grapples for his attention.

I look around Kane, at the Government Leader, and he looks back at me. In a silent agreement, I know he understands that I don't want Kane to know the truth. Whether that's a good decision, or a terrible one, there's no way he'd leave otherwise. If he knew I'm not going with him, he'd stay in this prison until the outcome changes. The outcome can't change.

"What are you trying to say?" I ask, hoping I sound as incredulous as Kane just did.

"You are free to leave," He says this directly to Kane, but he doesn't imply that I'm not included in this proposition.

"No," The Leader says, sighing, "I'm quite serious. We require that you stay for one more night, and then tomorrow morning you will be released.

I'm sure that the reasoning for keeping us one more night is to test me, to see if I'll try to stab them in the back. I won't. If I did, I might as well be stabbing Kane, because he will get the brunt of all my decisions.

I turn away, not wanting to look at the Leader anymore, not wanting to speak to him anymore, worried he'll blow my cover.

"Fel," Kane grabs my hand, "are we just going to believe him?"

"What other choice do we have?" I ask, pulling away, walking back toward the Cell. I hear my footsteps against the polished linoleum floor, and soon I hear their echo, Kane following behind me.

"Are you upset with me?" He asks, his hands resting on my hips. I turn to face him, resting my head against his chest, hoping he still has some strength I can draw from him.

"No, I'm not upset with you," I reassure him, "I'm just frustrated with our situation," I swallow the lump in my throat, "but tomorrow will be different."

"Should we try and get a hold of them?" Kane asks, and I know he means my UCP. I'm surprised the Leader didn't ask me for it, that he's allowing me to keep it. I'm sure that, again, it's just another test.

"No," I lay down on our makeshift bed, the cold of the floor seeping through the thin fabric of my shirt, causing gooseflesh to bloom along the length of my body. "I don't want to bother them, we should just sleep and wait for morning."

"How are you being so trusting?" Kane asks, "When has the Government ever kept their word?"

"Right now," I sigh, "their word is all we have to go on."

I wake up, Kane laying beside me, his arms wrapped around me, his face buried in the curve of my neck. 

"He's going to be broken," My attention snaps to the other side of the Cell, Mrs. Porter standing there in a crisp white pantsuit, her hair tied in a knot at the nape of her neck. "How can you do this to my son?" 

 "This way he can go home, he can be back with you." 

 Mrs. Porter frowns, clicking her tongue. "As long as you're here, I won't have him back. That son of mine is so in love with you, I don't think he can imagine himself without you anymore." 

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