-Chapter 26-

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We travel for roughly an hour, taking differing paths as we go. At times we are enroute to the home, and other times we walk in the opposite direction, go in circles, backtrack. We've destroyed and disposed of the device Kane used to contact me with, along with his. If we are being tracked in any way, it's one we've overlooked.

"How is she?" Kane asks, reaching for my hand as he climbs up onto a set of steep steps.

"As well as can be expected," I say, "though she's hungry. I fed her a bit, but..." I swallow my fear, my anxiety, "she needs some sleep, someplace warm."

The blanket the woman had graciously given me has been an irreplaceable gift. The soft yarn holds a warmth that was lacking previously. Considering the ever-dropping temperatures, no gift could have been greater.

"It's just over there," Kane points, and my eyes follow his movements

It's a small, nondescript ranch, just south of the city. It looks perfectly normal enough, nothing that would draw the attention of the Government on any given day, but today it no doubt has been searched. If not yet, then soon enough. We won't be able to stay long.

Kane grabs my hand, his fingers shaking as we stumble closer to the home. We traveled together this time. Neither of us came in advance to check the safety and security of this supposed safe place. I for one am too tired, too drained to give it much care.

At this rate, anywhere slightly secluded is safe. But here out in the open, not so much.

"Let's go," I prompt, tugging Kane along.

He nods, but there's a hesitation in his steps as we come up to the steps. I remind myself that if nothing else, we have our disguises. They're convincing enough, neither Kane or myself recognizable beneath all the makeup and prosthetics.

It's enough.

I raise my knuckles to the door and knock softly at first, then with more force when there isn't an answer.

There's a creak from just inside the house, and I take a step back as the door swings inward.

"My heavens," an old woman is stood, hunched over just past the threshold, "do come inside you poor things. You've had quite the day, I can imagine."

Kane and I exchange looks. I hadn't been expecting a woman this age, and I suspect Kane hadn't either. Perhaps that's part of what is meant to keep our whereabouts secure. The element of surprise. The elements one would least expect.

The woman motions for us to come inside, her steps slow and methodical as she maneuvers the tiled floor in her entryway.

I squeeze Kane's hand. Perhaps we should be more cautious entering this stranger's home. Perhaps we're both too tired, and too overwhelmed to care. If this is a trick, it's a downright good one.

"Can I get either of you anything to drink?" she gives us both a once over, then looks at Amelia, clutched tightly in my arms. "Something to eat?"

I nod, looking down at Amelia. I worry about her most. She's been thrust into dangers that I only hope I can protect her from.

"I have just the thing," the woman smiles, slowly walking into another room. I hear cupboards swing open and then close. There's the sound of shuffling and before long she's returned with glasses of water and a tray of food. "I prepared this in advance," she explains.

"Thank you," Kane nods, but neither of us sit down as the woman makes her way to a well-worn couch across from where we're now standing.

"I don't bite," the woman's wrinkled lips crease into a smile, "at least not hard."

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