-Chapter 10-

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The car ride to the Leader's mansion goes by quickly as we were never really all that far away to begin with. Charlie and I sit in silence for the most part, Charlie attempting to make small talk here and there as we pass by the many lavish houses leading to the Leader's home. I spend most of the time just trying to envision what the night may hold, what my role is tonight.

We come to a stop at the base of the stairs that lead up to the entrance of the Leader's home. I feel a shudder run through my back remembering the last time I was here, the last time I stepped foot through the front door as someone other than myself.

Charlie gets out of the car first and opens the door for me before our chauffeur has the chance to even step out of the front seat. I step out, flattening my skirt. Charlie offers his arm, and I take a deep breath before linking my arm through his. Never in a million years did I expect to be back here for any reason, let alone for a Social Gathering.

Charlie seems just as hesitant as I am to ascend the stairs, if not more so, surprising me immensely. The way he's been acting recently, one would think that he was a guest of honor at this event, equal to the Government Leader and his conspirators. Realistically though, Charlie will forever be the Leader's pawn, the piece he moves around the board, not really minding if one day he has one less pawn to worry about or not.

"Are you okay?" I ask him as we finally begin to make our way up the stairs.

He shrugs, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Just nervous I guess. Last time we were here we weren't ourselves. This time, everyone will see us, and I don't know, I guess that just intimidates me."

I nod, knowing what he means. But, in my case this is not the first time I have gone to a Social Gathering as myself. This will not be the first time that my face will grace the News as the Government discusses the highlights of the night for the weeks to come. I start to wonder if bringing me here is just to belittle the rebellion even more. How does it appear to people if I am here, partaking in the festivities while they are out there hoping for change, hoping for leadership that can guide them and conquer for them rather than conquer them.

"You look beautiful, in case I haven't said so already," Charlie whispers as we come to the top of the stairs, Agents standing in wait, ready to accept our IDs. Tonight my ID is different from last time, aside from the fact that it is legitimate this time. Tonight my ID is housed in a ring on my right hand that Charlie handed to me in the car. He also has one, as do any of the Government officials. This was done in hopes of warding off what happened last time as these were specially crafted, by Paul no doubt, to not be able to be reworked and copied.

I wince even as the light flashes green, remembering my dread the last time I was here. "Thank you," I say back to Charlie, having been interrupted by the clearance process, "you look pretty handsome yourself."

As we step into the mansion, I feel a mix of emotions looking around at the beautiful, intricate decorations that hang from the tall ceilings, the atmosphere jovial and festive. I remember the statues from last time, depicting art from a different time. Maybe a time where the Leaders weren't so tyrannical, or maybe they're here as inspiration. Maybe they come from a time where even those leaders could make ours blush. We pass elegantly crafted mirrors that make you think twice before allowing your reflection to be shown on them. For a moment I let my gaze linger on Charlie and I as we pass, and by all accounts we do make a handsome pair tonight.

But, deep down, I can't shake the feeling that tonight is going to be more than anyone has bargained for, that I will in some way be used as a spectacle for all to see. In this dress, in this facade of fitting in, I already feel as though I'm a spectacle to be gawked at, to ridicule. What sort of leader parties as their people suffer? And the answer to that brings up more questions such as, am I then any worse than the Leader himself? Am I even still a leader? Sure I'm being forced to be here, but due to keeping-face, and politics no doubt, so is he. Just because he doesn't mind being here, doesn't mean he isn't still in some ways being forced.

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