- Chapter 39 -

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We read the News report before it's broadcast out to the people.

It's surreal as we read the words, unable to deny what we saw happen.

The Leader is dead.

The Government is asking for everyone in the outlying sectors to cease all riots and attacks. Agents will be called back to the Government sector as decisions are made for the interim Leader and plans for our nation are formulated during this unprecedented time.

Government officials ask for your understanding and cooperation as we all move forward together.

This same broadcast airs every hour on the hour for an entire day.

In that time, Amy calls for a meeting, including the Government officials and other important moving pieces within the Government and the Year Movement.

Seeing everyone all in one room is more daunting than I'd expected, as I realize just how many different ideologies are seated within this one room. There are those who staunchly agreed with the Leader and his methods, though I find relief as we see how few there really are. Perhaps the largest belief comes from those who followed the Leader's example only because it was what had been enacted. They held no real hope in his methods, nor did they hold any belief that it would bring about any positive changes. Instead, these are those who sat silently, never taking a true stance in the face of the man who held too much power.

Then there are those who followed Kane, and before him, his father.

Members of the Year Movement I've never met, but those I owe a lot to. Those who were working on the inside to try and bring about change. Unlike Paul, their sacrifices were truly meant to propel the movement forward. Paul, who now fidgets in his seat as the room fills with arguments, opinions, some voices louder than others.

"Please," Amy yells above the din, "enough."

"There's still so much unrest," one man says. "People in the outer sectors aren't complying."

"Why would they?" Amy's laugh lacks any traces of humor. "They know there are those among you who would resume my father's rhetoric in an instant. They're tired of allowing it. They're tired of the lies."

"The Leader had a plan in place for his passing—" Paul starts.

"I won't hear anything from you," Amy cuts him off, her eyes fiery. Paul sinks back into his seat, his mouth closing.

The room is void of the arguments that filled it earlier, and still, the air seems to buzz. The tension, the nerves, and the simmering thoughts and opinions threatening to spill over.

"The people want you," Amy looks to Kane. "It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. You're my father's antithesis. They see you as their best chance at a different life."

I've never asked Kane how he hoped to enact change for the Year Movement in the long run. Had he ever imagined a moment like this? Had he imagined a life without the Leader looming over us? A moment where members of the Year Movement meet freely with those who directly oppose? In some way, he must've. He knew Amy would kill her father. He'd told me to trust him, that he'd made promises. I hadn't known what he'd meant at the time. Still, even with that knowledge, had he ever envisioned becoming the Leader himself?

We're living in a paradoxical moment. On the one hand, the Government is crumbling, its prominent face and propelling ideology dead. There are of course still those in this room who support the Leader's message, but they know that in the present they're outnumbered. On the other hand, the Government and people are thriving amongst the unrest and unease. The scales are unbalanced, waiting to see who and what will balance it once more. Everything is the same, and everything is different. The Year Rules aren't gone, but their power is.

"The people should have an opportunity to make a choice," Kane says. "Their voices should be heard in deciding who will become their figurehead."

Everyone seems to lean in as they wait for Kane to continue.

"But I won't be one they can choose from," Kane sighs. "I have no intention of leading this nation."

There are some gasps as surprise circulates the room.

Amy's smile is a knowing one as she nods. "I wouldn't expect anything different," she says.

Kane and I both make public pleas to the people. Our broadcasts are better received that those of the Government liaisons and News broadcasters.

Kane's is apologetic in nature. He begins with making it clear that while he has every intention of supporting the people as changes are made and footing is found among the confusion, he refuses to become their leader. He apologizes for all the hurt that's spread throughout the sectors. He takes responsibility for the lives lost and changed.

My broadcast is more informative, lacking the emotion Kane's evokes.

I've been tasked with announcing the interim Leader.


It's later that same day when Kane and I have a meeting with Amy.

"I didn't kill him to take his place," Amy says. "I hope you both know that."

"We do," Kane says. "The details of the Leader's death haven't been released to the public."

Amy's lips quiver as she shoves her hands against her thighs.

"Are you scared I might turn out exactly like him?" she asks, her voice hesitant.

I don't know how to answer her question. It's of course something I wouldn't hope for, and still, I can't deny that ever since meeting her I've held some reserve given who her father was.

"I pray you won't," Kane responds.

A/N ~ There's one more chapter and an epilogue coming your way tomorrow. Then Year 18 is officially done! I have such mixed emotions about drawing this series to a close. Just as a reminder, all the Year Trilogy books that are here on Wattpad (Year 6, Year 12, Year 18, and Kane) are 1st drafts. The story is really only beginning in that way, as I navigate restructuring things that didn't work and enhancing those that did. I'm excited for that next step in the journey though! And I cannot ever express my gratitude enough for everyone that's stuck beside these books. Even though they're first drafts and even through the long breaks between posting. It means so so much to me!

Until tomorrow, Year Movement.

- Sarah

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