-Chapter 28-

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We must have drifted off.

I only know because I am jolted awake when Amelia's cries pierce the quiet within the home.

Kane is in the hall before me, perhaps not having succumbed to sleep in the way that I had. Panic coats the inside of my stomach as we stumble out into the living room where the sound is coming from.

"Sorry for that awakening," Melinda sighs, coming out from the kitchen, walking to where Amelia is lying on the floor, surrounded by blankets and pillows. "She's alright, just hungry it seems."

Through bleary vision, I look over to Kane. His shoulders are slumped inward, his gaze fixed to the floor, a terrifying emptiness lying behind his eyes. Finding his hand, I press it between both of my own. He doesn't budge, doesn't react.

"Can I get you both something to eat before you leave?" Melinda asks, pulling Amelia onto her lap to give her the bottle.

Kane continues to stay silent.

"That would be wonderful," I answer, following her to the kitchen. "Thank you so much for watching over Amelia for us."

"I hope you slept well," Melinda smiles, walking over to the stove where she has a pot covered.

I return her smile, both of us aware that the sleep I did manage was nothing near enough, and through no fault of anyone, it wasn't all that relaxing.

"Is he alright?" Melinda asks in a hushed whisper. "I remember when I first heard the name Kane Porter. I remember how he would pop up in the News constantly. Apprehended for one bogus crime after another, anyway they could get their hands on him, just for him to slip away again. There was so much spirit in that boy. Excuse me for saying so, but I just wonder if that's the same person at all?"

There's no malice to her words, no judgement. If anything, her words come from a place of concern.

"After everything you children have been through," Melinda clicks her tongue. "I suppose I wouldn't come out the same person either."

"I worry about him," I confess, my voice little more than a phantom of my words. "He's still the man I met who wants to forge a better tomorrow... but it's cost him everything. I feel like I'm watching him slip away, and I don't know what to do."

Melinda's hand cups my shoulder.

"You love that boy." It's more of a statement than a question. "Be there for him, support him. Remind him of who he is, and who he inspires others to be."

Melinda perks up, holding a finger in the air.

"I may have just the thing," she says, reaching into one of the many cupboards. She pulls out a cookbook, but I soon realize that its appearance is deceiving. She holds her hand to a sensor on the back of the book, pressing a code into the front. The book then opens, and she pulls out an envelope. "Give this to him when you're somewhere safe. I think this will do him some good. I only wish I could have sent it—"

I don't hear Melinda's words over the sound of crunching tires coming down the road. Normally such a thing would be able to be ignored. But the sound of so many vehicles approaching the deserted home is alarming.

It takes two breaths before Kane is in the kitchen, reaching for my hand, Amelia already held tightly in his arm.

"Listen," Melina puts a hand on my shoulder before Kane can fully pull me out of the room. "There's a safe room below the bed in my room. Across the hall from where you slept last night. Wait down there. There's a door, and if the handle flashes green, you'll know it's safe to go through. Be careful children."

Her hand moves to my cheek.

"Thank you for all you have done, and all you are both about to do."

We waste no time running out of the kitchen and the short distance down the hall to Melinda's room. I hear footsteps outside, coming nearer to the house, mirroring the thumping of my heart, just as loud, just as looming.

"The bed," Kane hands Amelia to me as he begins to push the bed away from the spot. You wouldn't notice it if you weren't looking for it, and even then, it's well camouflaged. Kane hoists the trap door open. "Get in, I'll follow down after."

The smell of mildew and dust erupts from the hole in the floor. I hold Amelia tight as I begin to descend the ladder, the metal rungs squeaking beneath my shoes.

I move quick, making room for Kane as I climb down, my feet eventually touching a dirt path.

This tunnel is a good twenty to thirty feet below the house, thankfully putting some distance between us and the Guards presumably up top. I say a silent prayer for Melinda, that she will be able to convince them we weren't there, that they'll take some pity on her if the lies don't convince them. I pray also that that's not wishful thinking.

Turning to my right, there's the door that Melinda has told us about, the handle still glowing red in the dim tunnel. Some lights are still flickering on around us, coming to life, illuminating parts of the path.

There are shuffles and pounding that meet our ears even down here. I close my eyes, doing anything to avoid picturing what may be going on above.

"It's green," Kane sucks in a breath, his fingers grazing my shoulder.

We move again, the metal door groaning lowly with protest as Kane pushes down on the handle, sliding the door inward. There's a kick up of dust that coats the inside of my nose, sticking against my eyes. I blink it away, ducking Amelia's head so as keep the debris from her.

We've only just stepped through the door when it shuts loudly behind us.

I have only one second to turn and see Kane's look of confusion when a wall drops in front of me, plunging us into darkness.

A/N~ Wow the weeks have been slipping away from me! I hadn't realized how long it had been since I'd last put up a chapter!

Thank you for your patience :)


1.) As the book comes to a close, what do you hope to see?

2.) What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?

3.) Any questions for me or your fellow readers?

See you soon Year Movement!


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