The Question

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Y/n and Bakugou slowly strolled towards their home, each with a slight limp. Conversation was easy and natural between them as they reached home.
"We're home teddy bear." Bakugou said softly.
Y/n unlocked the door and swung it open, the dimly lit living room welcoming them. That question from before still burned in y/n's mind.
Do I ask him about it? What if he says yes? What do I do then?
"Y/n, the door, your standing with it wide open." Katsuki told you softly, closing the door to the house. "Something wrong teddy bear?"
Y/n pretended to think, " Nope! Nothing I can think of!" She said as she hurried up the stairs towards the bedroom.
"Hey woah! Where are you going teddy bear? What's the matter?" Katsuki's eyes were riddled with worry for you.
Y/n looked down at her feet and sighed. "Katsuki," she mumbled, "do you remember what you said back at the hospital about me being pregnant?"
Bakugou's hands began to shake and he silently walked to the bed to sit.
"Y/n are you-"
"No! Good gravy no! I was just thinking, do you....ever" Y/n looked at him with worried eyes.
Katsuki sighed and looked up at her.
"Well that depends."
"On what?"
"Is it with you?" He said sweetly, cupping her cheek in his warm palm.
Y/n smiled softly and rested her face on his hand.
"Of course it's with me dear."
Katsuki's lips spread in a warm smile and he pulled her closer to his chest into a tight hug. When he released her, he took her hands into his and pulled her into the bed next to him. Katsuki fidgeted with his fingers for a moment before glancing back up at his girlfriend.
"Y/n," he said shakily, "when do you want to have them? I don't think I'm cut out to be a father."
Her eyes went wide and she cupped his face gently.
"Katsuki, I wouldn't dream of having children with anyone else. As for when, I guess whenever we conceive one."
His crimson eyes locked with hers as he leaned forward and locked lips with her.
Y/n was surprised at first but quickly returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around Katsuki's neck. Her face flushed a deep red as she deepened the kiss and tried to pull Katsuki on top of her.
He quickly crawled over her, a tent forming against his jeans as he trailed his lips down her neck, sucking hickies into her fair skin.
Her hands traveled to his hair, taking her fingers through it as Katsuki sucked and nipped his way to the neckline of her shirt.
"Sit up," he said, lifting the hem of her shirt with his finger.
She quickly sat up and lifted her shirt over her head, leaving her in only her pants and underwear.
Katsuki leaned down and took her breast in his mouth, running his tongue over her sensitive nipple, causing Y/n to gasp in pleasure.
"K-katsu-kun~" she whined, "lock the door before your mom comes in."
He rolled his eyes but went and locked the door. He quickly returned to the bed, shedding his own shirt on the way. His red eyes were blown wide with lust as he looked down at Y/n.
Y/n looked up at Katsuki pleadingly, her cheeks deep red and her pupils wide. She reached down towards Katsuki's pants, tugging at them in an attempt to get them off. Her own, thrown to the side carelessly.
Katsuki pulled his pants off and threw them behind him to be found later. Climbing onto the bed, he placed himself between y/n's legs, placing her right one on his shoulder. He looked up at her to ask if this was okay and she nodded.
He rubbed his member against her clit slowly, coating his length in her slick. Katsuki bit his lip, trying to contain any noises he may make and slid into Y/n. His hips stuttered as he shuddered at the feeling of her tight cunt around him. Y/n's eyes had rolled into the back of her head when Katsuki slid into her, a soft moan leaving her lips at the feeling.
He began thrusting into her at a rapid pace, unable to control himself any longer. As he pounded into her, Y/n could not conceal her loud moans, the sound of them driving Katsuki absolutely feral. He began to growl as he thrusted into her, occasionally, a low moan escaped him. Y/n unraveled, cumming hard around Katsuki's member.
He chuckled, "That's one." He said, continuing to pound her as hard as he could.
Katsuki leaned down against her, bending her leg back against her chest. Continuing to pound her, his length went even deeper into her, hitting her g-spot relentlessly.
"K-k-katsuki!!~" she moaned loudly, cumming a second time.
Katsuki's moans became more frequent and louder, his thrusts began to get sloppy as he reached his climax. As he came, he continued to thrust into Y/n, milking himself dry into her. His hips stuttering because of overstimulation, he slowed his thrusts and eventually came to a stop, panting heavily.
"Was it good?" He sighed heavily, slipping out of her and clambering off the bed.
Y/n panted and nodded, her eyes fluttering closed. Her body shook from being overstimulated and she was drenched in sweat.
Katsuki threw on a pair of underwear and strided to the bathroom, starting the water in the bathtub for Y/n. He added bubbles and Epsom salt just in case she was sore. When he wandered back into the bedroom, he noticed that she was asleep, soft snores coming from her.
He gently shook her, waking her up for her bath. She lifted her arms to him and he picked her up, taking her to the bathroom. He put her in the bath softly, making sure to keep her hair out of the water. He grabbed a hair tie and put her hair into a high bun.
"I love you Katsuki," Y/n sighed sleepily.
Katsuki smiled, "I love you too, Y/n."

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now