Taking Care

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💥Bakugou P.O.V💥
I laid in bed on (Y/n)'s lap, letting her dab a cold rag on my forehead. Every now and then I would throw up again and again, then I would slowly drink some water.
"Damnit. We had schools today. Why didn't you go teddy bear?" I growled at her, throwing my arm over my face.
"Well, you're sick and nobody else likes me. And I figured your mom works so I'll take care of you." She replied, resealing the rag.
"Why don't you move the rag down to my chest? It'll do me good." I said to her, taking her hand and moving it to my chest so I could cool down better.
"(Y/N)!!! I'M BACK!!" My mother yelled, causing my head to throb.
"Katsu-kun, I'll be right back okay?" She kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. As soon as she left I hovered over the trashcan, all of the water I had drank coming up.
I groaned and grabbed a hoodie and sweats, throwing them on and curling up under the blankets on my bed, leaving only my hair exposed to the world.
"(Y/N) ARE THOSE HICKIES ON YOUR THIGHS???!!!!" The hag screamed at my girlfriend.
She ran up to my room and locked the door, keeping the bitch out of my room. My mother beat on the door until her footsteps went away from the door.
(Y/n) came back to the bed and gently played with my hair to wake me up even though I wasn't asleep. I poked my head out of the blanket and smiled tiredly.
💫(Y/n) P.O.V 💫
He looked so tired. And pale.
"Katsu-kun, I have something to help you sleep okay? I'll give you some of it later before bed." I smiled sweetly, setting the medicine on the bedside table. "Come here and we'll cuddle okay?" I told him, opening my arms to him.
He slowly slid his head into my chest and started dozing off, soft snores signaling he was out of it. I slipped my phone from my pocket and quickly took a picture of him.

      He's so gonna kill me when he sees this

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He's so gonna kill me when he sees this.
I put my phone on the table and started running my fingers through his hair, which was getting greasy from him not showering.
"Oh Katsuki, what am I gonna do with you?" I chuckled. Soon I slipped off into sleep. And it wasn't even 6 pm yet....

Shorter chapter just to get some fluff in before the USJ attack happens. Sorry about rushing into smut but it brought the plot up to where I wanted it to be at the start. Enjoy my beautiful children!

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now