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💫(Y/n) P.O.V)
I woke up in a room I didn't recognize, and I immediately freaked out, having a panic attack complete with crying.
"W-where am I?!" I sob out, curled into a ball and hands over my ears. I began rocking back and forth, sobbing loudly. I didn't recognize the hoodie I was wearing either.
"Wh-where am I?!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and cried even louder.
Soon, the door to the room I was in opened and I felt strong arms wrap around me and someone pick me up. I nuzzled into their chest and continued sobbing.
"Hey hey hey! What's wrong teddy bear?" Katsuki asked playing with my hair gently and rubbing my back.
"I-I'm sorry Katsu-kun..." I said hiccuping.
"Baka don't apologize for having anxiety." He scolded me.
I laid my head on his shoulder and let him rub my back comfortingly. Eventually we had to go downstairs and eat breakfast so we could go to school.
"Oh Katsu-kun!" Once in his room I slipped his hoodie off and handed it to him. "Here's your hoodie back." I smiled brightly at him.
He blushed deeply and handed it back. "Keep it teddy bear."
I smiled again and hugged him tightly, forgetting I was only in my bra and underwear.
"T-teddy bear!" He blushed deeper as he looked away from my figure. "You're only in your undergarments!"
My eyes widened and I preyed myself off of him. I then put my uniform on and sat on his bed to wait for him to be ready to leave.
"Katsu-kunnnn~" I called, "Hurry uup!!"
I heard a growl sound from his bathroom and went to see what was wrong. When I opened the door, I was met with a new sight: a desperately horny Katsuki. He had his member in his hand and was vigorously pumping it.
"Katsu-kun?~" I said shocked. He whipped his head around, his face tinted pink from his pleasure and his hand stopped.
He quickly pinned me to the bathroom wall and began sucking hickies onto my neck. The act sent shivers through my spine, causing whimpers to escape me.
"God, you see what you do to me (y/n)?~" he growled into my ear. He took my hand and placed it on his throbbing member.
"M-m-master~" I whined, wrapping my fingers around him and moving my hand. I grabbed his hand and moved it under my skirt and to my core, placing his fingers over my clit.
💥Bakugou P.O.V💥
I cant fucking believe she caught me. I scolded my self as she moved her hand up and down my length. She grabbed my hand and moved it under her skirt to her soaking wet panties. She moved two of my fingers to a specific spot and started moving them to tell me what to do.
"M-m-master!~" she groaned, bucking her hips against my hand.
"Wh-what is it t-teddy bear?" I struggled to reply, the pleasure getting to my head.
"C-can we do what we d-d-did last night?~" she asked between moans.
I thought for a moment. I don't have a condom. My thoughts were interrupted by her pushing me back to sit on the toilet and sitting on my member. She rolled her hips once and my head fell back, a moan releasing itself from my lips.
"Teddy bear~ W-we cant do th-this~" I groaned as she bounced lightly, her moans becoming more frequent and louder. I placed my fingers in her mouth to quiet her down and she sucked on them, occasionally taking her tongue and swirling it around them.
"KATSUKI BAKUGOU! (Y/N) (L/N)!! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE IF YOU DON'T LEAVE NOW!!!" My old hag of a mother screamed through my bedroom door, stopping (y/n) and I from going any further.
"ALRIGHT YOU OLD BITCH! WE'RE COMING!!" I yelled angrily, pulling my fingers from (y/n)'s mouth and lifting her from my lap. "I'm sorry teddy. We'll continue when we get home." I told her, holding her chin so she would look at me. Her pupils were blown wide and her cheeks were tinted pink. She had drool rolling down her chin from sucking on my fingers.
"Katsu-kun?~" she asked, looking up at me with her (e/c) eyes. "Please don't tease me all day. Otherwise I might not be able to wait."
"No promises teddy." I replied.
💫Y/n p.o.v💫
DAMN YOU MITSUKI BAKUGOU!!! I mentally screamed at the woman. Katsuki and I were so close. I thought about asking him why he started calling me teddy bear but I decided against it. It's cute. I thought to myself.
On the walk to school, Katsuki held my hand and glared at anyone who gave us a dirty look, seeing as both of us had hickies on our necks. Once at school, he held my hand tighter.
"Heya Bakugou and (Y/n)!" Kirishima exclaimed. He then looked to our hands and smiled wider. "Nice goin Bakubro!"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT SCUM BAG???!!!" He yelled, letting my hand go momentarily to create small explosions in his palms. Then he wrapped his arm around me as I giggled at his actions.
"Katsu-kun! Be nice!!" I stuck my tongue out at him, his face instantly turning red and he turned his head away from me. "Katsu-kun? Are you okay?" I asked playfully. "Should I refer to you with your other name?~" I winked at him as he turned back to me.
"NO!!! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SUGGEST THAT?!" He blushed deeper.
I bit my lip and took him into a corner. "Katsu-kun I'm sorry I'm teasing, I just can't help myself. I'm new to the whole sex thing and I didn't finish earlier. I'm sorry if I'm embar-" he cut me off with a heated kiss.
"Teddy bear, never apologize to me for that okay? To be completely honest, I'm feeling the same way. And no don't refer to me as Master at school until later in our relationship okay? I have to stop by the store later and pick something up so I'll walk you to your house so you can pack your bags and come live with me so you don't move away again, then I'll walk you to my house and go to the store." He explained to me. I simply nodded and kissed him again.
"Thank you Katsu-kun. I'll be in your room when you get home." I smiled at him.
🐮Time skip because I'm lazy🐮
💫your POV 💫
Katsuki left two hours ago. He was only supposed to pick one thing up from the store and be right back. I began to have another panic attack but calmed my self as I sat and thought about that morning. The more I thought about it, the wetter I got. My hand soon travelled towards my core, rubbing my clit slowly.
💥Bakugou P.O.V💥
I had gone to three different stores looking for what I needed. I had bought condoms and a choker that looked like a collar. I opened the door and noticed mom wasn't home. I trudged up the stairs and to my bedroom door. As I went to knock, I heard faint groans from inside. I placed my ear against the door.
"Katsu-kun~" (y/n)'s voice said breathily.
I immediately knocked. "Teddy bear! I'm home!"
I heard her footsteps come towards the door, and she swung it open. When the door opened, it revealed a disheveled (y/n), her hair a mess, pupils blown and eyes glazed over, and her cheeks deep pink.
"Katsu-kun~" she whimpered, pulling me into the bedroom and pushing me on the bed. She began to slide her hands under my shirt and started leaving love bites along my neck. Her lips grazed my skin leaving tails of heat wherever they went.
"Teddy~" I growled. I pushed her onto her back on the bed. I pinned her hands above her head with one hand and unbuttoned my shirt. "You have to wait for Master to tell you you can do that. Now, if you would please lay against that pillow over there while I get our stuff out." She did as I asked and laid down. I grabbed the choker and the condoms, then grabbed a condom out, as I knew we would need it. "I'm gonna lock the door okay? Just in case that damn old badger tries to walk in on us." I said as I locked the door.
💫your POV 💫
Katsuki was acting more dominant than usual, telling me to lay down and wait for him. But I liked it, a lot. So i did as I was told and waited for him. He came over to m with what looked like a collar in hand.
"This is signifying that you are mine." He said possesively, placing it on my neck and latching it comfortably. "It also looks hot on you." He growled.
💥Bakugou P.O.V 💥
She smiled at me when I put the choker on her. I then reached up and looped a finger through one of the two rings on it, pulling her to my face. I kissed her deeply and asked for entrance with my tongue, receiving it happily. We fought for dominance in her mouth and I won, as I slowly snaked my hand up to her breast and gently massaged it.
She gasped and mewled into the kiss, her breaths becoming more ragged and her moans more frequent.
When I stopped massaging her breast she whined until I slid my hand down under her uniform skirt.
"Master?~" she asked timidly.
"Yes teddy bear?"
"Can you tie my wrists together?" She asked as she looked away from me, a blush spreading across her face.
I untied my tie, going as slowly as I can, and tied her wrists above her head. This is going to be fun~

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now