Give Her Back!!(Katsuki's pov)

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'I've got to find her!' I thought to myself.

Villans. Everywhere. They showed up at the worst possible time. 'Fucking hell...' They began to surround us, and then it all went black and now I'm here. Blowing up baddies and looking for my girlfriend.

"DAMNIT!!" I yelled as I spotted the red headed idiot. "KIRISHIMAAA!" He turned to face me with blood running down his face and his usually spiked red hair flopped into his eyes.

"Bakugou?!" He yelled out to me as I propelled myself forward and caught his arm in my hand, tugging him away into one of the buildings to hide for a while. "Where's (l/n)?"

"I don't know..." I said looking away, determined not to let Kirishima see me cry.

"Why aren't we looking for her then, man?! Let's go!" he grabbed my arm and pulled, but I didn't move an inch. "Bakugou? You good man?"

I stood facing away from him silently, tears rolling down my cheeks. 'How could I lose her?' I blamed myself for she and I getting separated. 'If only I had held her hand just a bit longer...'

Suddenly, a bang shook the entire facility. 'The hell?'

Then I heard it....

All Might's laugh...

Kirishima's eyes welled up with tears and sobs racked my body as I fell to my knees.

'Where is she?' I thought as I threw a fist into the ground. 'Damnit!'

"Bakugou? Are you okay?" stupid hair asked me.

I curled around myself, my mind slowly slipping into a panic. My hands began to shake and my breaths became shallow and rapid. 'What's happening?' My quirk began to act up, emitting small sparks from my palms.

"Bakugou!" 'That voice is it really...'


I slowly raised my head as she landed in front of me, her arms covered in blood and grime. "(Y-Y/n)?" I croaked out.

"Oh K-Katsuki! I th-ought I would never fi-ind you. A-All Mi-" she suddenly collapsed, her body going limp.

I took one of her arms in my hand, noticing how her skin seemed to turn to dust. "Hey stupid hair, you got any gauze?"

He reached around his utility belt and pulled a couple of rolls of gauze from it. "Here bro. Lemme help you fix this lil momma up."

"Momma?" I was curious why he called her that, but there was no time to think about it, I had to get her to safety and get her to the hospital.

"J-Just a nickname bro." He gently wrapped her right arm in gauze and placed it back down by her side.

" Lets get her to safety, Kirishima," I said as I picked her up and laid her against my back, gently carrying her towards the top of the stairs in the middle of the facility. Her breathing was shallow and ragged, signaling she was alive but barely. What took minutes felt like eons as All Might finally defeated the nomu and saved all of our asses. They were taking (Y/N) to the hospital and I couldn't ride in the ambulance because I apparently needed "medical assistance".

"LET ME GO WITH HER PLEASE!" I begged as they took her away from me. "PLEASE I HAVE TO GO WITH HER!" Tears streamed down my face as I slowly sank to my knees while the ambulance sped away.

"Bakugou please get on the bus immediately!" Iida said stoically.

"Shut up four eyes..." I said as I slowly made my way to the back of the bus alone.

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now