Slow and steady

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*third person pov*

As the weeks went by, you and Bakugou slowly healed together. He had to do physical therapy and you had to try and not laugh when he got frustrated.

"You two my return to school on the condition you do not participate in any strenuous activity. This includes training, running, and intercourse." The doctor spoke in a low and bored tone.

You and Bakugou flushed red at the mention of it.

"Its not like we've fucked yet so I don't know why you're telling us that part..." Bakugou grumbled as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Actually, she is not a virgin," the doctor said nonchalantly.

Bakugou turned and winked at you and you understood what he was about to do.

"YOU CHEATED ON ME?!" he screamed.

"NO BABY OF COURSE NOT I WOULD NEVER!!!!" you began fake sobbing as he took a deep breath.

"FIRST YOU GET HURT AND NOW THIS?! WHAT'S NEXT YOU'RE PREGNANT?!!" he blurts before he realizes what he just said.

The doctors stare at you and him like you two are the most insane couple he's ever seen. They glanced at one another again and had mutually decided to leave you two be.
You both began hysterically laughing and hugged each other gently.
"Oh that was the best." He said wiping a tear from his eye.
"It sure was." You said as you sat down next to him, looking down at the floor.
"Hey you okay? What's wrong?"
"Is nothing." You lied. Does he want to have a kid?
"That's bullshit. Tell me what's up." He said as he placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Tell you when we're not in public." You said sympathetically.
"Okay teddy bear. Let's go home." He helped you up and you both walked home.

Ew it ended weird. Sorry bout that. But hey! Two books updated in one day! Merry Christmas my beautiful lovelies!

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now