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💫Your POV 💫

I woke to a slight throbbing pain in my lower abdomen and Katsuki's hoodie covering the marks he made everywhere on my body, other than my thighs, those marks could still be seen. I rolled over to face him. I've never really been this close long enough to examine his facial features. I ran my hand through his soft yet spikey hair and sighed. What would I do without you Katsu-kun?

He stirred awake slowly and smile sleepily at me. " Good morning honey," he said sweetly, burying my head into his shoulder, his familiar scent all around me. He smelled of burnt marshmallows and cinnamon, a smell I have grown to love. His hair tickled my neck, causing me to giggle quietly.
"Katsu-kun~ You gotta get up! Your girlfriend want food please!" I smiled and placed my hands on his cheeks as I faced him
"But I want to lay here and cuddle with you. It's too early to eat." He mumbled, pulling me closer.
"Katsu-kunnnn~" I said, nuzzling my face into his neck and smirked. "What if there where a surprise for after?" I licked his neck and giggled.
💥Bakugou P.O.V 💥
I shivered as she licked my neck. She didn't know it but I was ticklish there.
"What kind of surprise?" I mumbled, running my hands through her hair.
"It's a surprise! I can't tell you!" She laughed.
I pulled her closer to me, my stomach not feeling the best this particular morning. It churned and bubbled, like I had eaten something that gave me food poisoning, or I had the stomach flu.
"Lay with me, I'm not feeling well." I groaned, putting one hand on my stomach. She moved my hand and replaced it with her own, rubbing gently
"Aw poor Katsu-kun, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly.
"Its m-" I cut myself off and ran to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind me as I hugged the toilet. Everything I had eaten in the past 24 hours came up. (Y/n) knocked on the door a couple times, trying to come in.
"Katsuki, are you okay?" She asked, her voice trembling.
I unlocked the door and hugged the toilet again, this time only fluid coming up. She rubbed my back comfortingly and then played with my hair.
"Owww..." I groaned once I flushed the toilet. Everything was spinning and my head hurt. She tried to help me stand but wasn't strong enough to pull me up. So she let me do it on my own time, holding my arm once I did stand and helped me back to bed.
"I'll be right back okay? I'm gonna go grab a trash can,a few trash bags, and a case of water that I brought. If you need me while I'm getting it just yell okay?" She kissed my forehead and pulled a blanket over me.
💫Your POV 💫
I rushed down the stairs to find Mitsuki in the kitchen.
"Ah! (Y/n) you're awake! Where's my idiot son? Is he still sleeping? I'll go wake him-" I cut her off.
"Nonono he's awake but he isn't feeling well. We were cuddling earlier and he took off to the bathroom and wouldn't let me in. Then, when he did finally let me in, he threw up. So I'm grabbing a trashcan, a few trash bags, and a case of water I bought." I told her, noticing her look of worry.
"I'll run to the pharmacy and get something to help him sleep honey." She replied, throwing on some shoes and grabbing her keys.
I grabbed everything I needed and headed back upstairs to Katsuki's room, opening the door slowly to see him uncovered and sprawled out on the bed asleep. I tip toed over next to the bed and placed the trashcan where he could get to it easily and opened a water for him. I then sat down next to him and felt his forehead. He has a fever. That means he might have fever dreams. I thought. I went to his bathroom and grabbed a rag and then went downstairs to grab a bowl, filling it with ice and water, and placing the rag inside.
I hope he doesn't get mad at me for babying him. I went back to Katsuki and placed the bowl on the nightstand and rung the rag out, gently dabbing it on his forehead. He stirred slightly and opened his eyes.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing?" He grumbled, closing his eyes tightly.
"You're sick. The trashcan is there and I have water for you. I'll periodically use a cold rag on your forehalead to keep you from having fever dreams. It may not work so if you have one let me know okay? Your mom went to get you something to help you sleep tonight okay?" I told him as he laid his head in my lap.
He nodded gently and began dozing off again.

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now