Problem in Paradise

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Katsuki held your hair back for you as you hugged the toilet for the third morning in a row. You had been unable to keep anything down, water included. At this point, you were just dry heaving, as your stomach had absolutely nothing left in it.
"Teddybear, please let me take you to the doctor." He pleaded, starting a hot bath for you.
"N-n-no. Then I won't be able t-t-to train. I-I-I wanna train," you said, attempting to crawl to the door.
Katsuki caught you before you got far and picked you up. He slowly sat you in the bath, making sure to cover your body in the hot liquid. He had also put bubbles in the bath, knowing they always made you feel better.
"Y/n, I'm serious. This isnt normal. You need to see someone or..." your boyfriend trailed off a scared look plastering itself on his features.
"Or what Katsuki?" You asked worriedly.
"I need to go ask my mom something. You stay here and relax." He said as he left the bathroom and went downstairs.
"You look troubled honey. What seems to be the problem?" Mitsuki asked her son.
"Y/n isn't doing well, she's been sick for the past couple of days. I think she's..." Bakugou paused, he didn't want to say the word, he was afraid to. His mother was going to kill him if he said that word.
"Son do you think she could be- Pregnant?" His mother said quietly, pulling her son into her chest for a hug. "I will run and grab a test, you just make sure to keep her calm."
Katsuki ran up the stairs back to you, running his hands through his spiky hair. "It's going to be okay. My mom will be back with something t- Y/N!"
He rushed to your side as you laid on the floor shivering.
"K-k-Katsuki? I'm s-so c-c-c-cold." You stuttered through clenched teeth, your body spasming on the floor.
Mitsuki rushed into the bathroom with a pregnancy test and rags. "Oh my. Here take this rag and soak it in rubbing alcohol and cold water." She ordered her son, tossing the rag to him.
Katsuki caught it and did as he was told, turning to check on you as his mother helped you to your feet. He ran to you and picked you up, placing the cloth over your forehead to keep your gag reflex at bay. His warm hands felt amazing against your cold skin, exciting you subconsciously. Your body finally succumbed to the exhaustion as your head hit the pillow.

🔥Katsuki's POV🔥
"What do I do?!" I yelled at my mot mother, holding the washcloth to Y/n's head.
"Honey it's the morning sickness, if she is pregnant, she may have to stay in bed for a few days." She responded.
Dammit. I can't let her stay like this. But what about if...I thought hard, rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands.
It had been a long morning so I laid down by her side, pulling her close to me in an attempt to keep her warm.

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now