The Answer

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You and Katsuki hadn't messed around any lately and you were becoming concerned.
Is he mad at me? You thought as you walked to your dorm beside him. Your mind raced with what you could have done to upset him and before you knew it, tears streamed down your face.
Katsuki noticed and grabbed your face in his hands. "Teddybear? What's the matter?"
You sniffled, "It's just...we haven't messed around for a while and I was worried you were mad at me." You dipped your head down, embarrassment and sadness washing over you.
Katsuki smirked, placing his hands on your hips as you two reached your dorm room. His lips found their way to the nape of your neck. "Teddybear, if you want it that bad all you have to do is ask alright?"
You nodded as you opened the door to the room, grabbing Katsuki's hand and pulling him inside. You shoved him on the bed and clambered on top of him. "Katsu-kun~" you purred in his ear softly, bringing your hips down against his.
His head tipped back at the feeling and he took note of how puffy your eyes were. He brought his hand up to your hair and tugged, earning a low moan from you.
Soon, you both had been stripped by one another and you were underneath him on your hands and knees. He rubbed the tip of his length against your dripping core, teasing you to no end.
"Katsu-kuuun~" you whimpered, wiggling your ass against him and slipping his member inside of you, dragging a low moan from your throat.
He groaned and grabbed a handful of your hair, tugging your head back and pounding into your tight hole. His length was twitching inside of you, loads of precum pouring into you as Katsuki slammed into you. The bed below you creaked loudly, and undoubtedly, your dorm neighbors were hearing everything that was going on, down to every last sigh. But neither of you cared, all you cared about was making each other feel good.
Katsuki moaned loudly, something he rarely ever did unless he was getting really into it. He leaned over your back and bit into your shoulder, sending a wave of pleasure through your body.
His teeth bit harder, for sure leaving a mark as he bit you all over, making sure that anyone who tried to hit on you would notice the bites and back off. He growled in your ear as he got closer to his climax, your own climbing higher and higher.
With one final thrust, you and Katsuki came, his hot seed shooting into you in copious amounts. You trembled below him and your nails left bloody scratches behind as they ran down his toned back.
"Damn teddybear~ You're really amazing." Katsuki sighed as he laid down next to you and pulled you close.
You shifted slightly, feeling his cum inside of you and trying not to lose any like a good teddybear. You whimpered to him, wanting his length back inside of you but just to hold his cum there.
He laughed quietly and pushed his still hard member back into you, moaning into your neck and pumping himself into your core slowly. He finally settled down and hugged you from behind, his member twitching inside of you, aching for more stimulation.

Well hello beauties! Thought I'd give y'all some smut! I'll leave it at y'all definitely didnt just go for one round.😉

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now