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Upon arriving, I kindly asked Katsu-kun if he would let me turn around and put my mask on. He unwittingly agreed and didn't try to see my face as I did so.
"Thank you Bakugou-kun." I said happily as he opened the door to his house.
"I'M HOME YOU OLD HAG!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
"WELCOME HOME YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Mitsuki screamed back from upstairs.
They haven't changed at all. I thought to myself smiling.
Katsuki turned around and looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Why are you smiling like an idiot?" He asked softly.
"Oh no reason. Could we get upstairs and study? I need some help with math." I asked nervously. What if he doesn't remember me?
I follow quietly, faking a smile. What if he hates me for leaving? What if he kicks me out and hates me forever?
"Hey you good? You're shaking." He put his hand on my shoulder and I snapped out of my thoughts, a single tear running down my cheek.
"Y-yeah I'm just nervous in new places." I lied.
"Really? You seem like you know where you're going, you kept looking around and smiling." He admits.

💥Bakugou P.O.V.💥
This girl is so odd. She acts like she knows something I dont and like she knows my house.
"My room is right here..." I wait for her name.
"My name is-" I cut her off once again.
" Lemme guess you're gonna be my long last friend (y/n) (l/n). The girl I was madly in love with that left six years ago without a trace just as I was going to confess?" He said, his voice cracking.
She looked away from me, her eyes showing a sense of worry. Is she scared of me? I ask myself mentally.
"A-actually..." she whispers.

💫(Y/N) P.O.V💫
I was terrified. I was about to tell Katsuki Bakugou that I was exactly what he thought. I started shaking and slowly reached for my mask.
"Katsuki.... it's me..." I said removing my mask reluctantly and stole a glance upward at him.
His eyes were wide and full of tears, some of which fell down his cheeks, staining them.
"(Y-y/n)?" He said slowly as he stretched his arms out towards me, immediately wrapping me up in a tight bear hug.
"Katsu-kun." I said, returning his embrace. His tears flowed freely now, soaking my shoulder. I hated seeing him like this, it made me feel terrible.
After a while, his hiccups and sobs faded away, yet he remained in my arms. His soft, spiky hair rested against my shoulder, slow breaths fanned against my neck.
"Katsu-kun? Are you okay?" I asked quietly, tracing small circles on his back.
He slowly retracted himself from my grip and looked away. "If I had known that it was you I would have never confessed that I had feelings for you. I'm sorry if I made things awkward." He said sadly.
"Katsu-kun, it's okay. I did too." I smile.
"(Y/N), why did you leave so long ago? You kinda just up and left." He asked sincerely. No anger, no fury. Just Katsuki.
I explain to him that my dad had to move us so he could get more work as a pro hero and that I never got to tell him because he had to go immediately.
"I'm sorry Katsu-kun. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Come on, let's go to my room. We can talk more there." He grabbed my hand and we heard a click sound from behind us.
"WHAT THE FUCK YOU OLD HAG? WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!" He screamed at his mother.
"SHE ALREADY HAS A NICKNAME FOR YOU!" Mitsuki screamed back at her son.
"THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S (Y/N)!!!!" He shouted suddenly, causing Mitsuki to freeze and cover her mouth.
"(Y/N)? Is it really you?" She asked
I turned around quickly, causing my (h/l)(h/c) hair to become disheveled. "Its me Mitsuki."
She hugged me quickly and then shooed us off to Katsuki's room. "So uh, you're room looks a lot different than the last time I was here." I said trying to start a conversation.
💥Bakugou P.O.V💥
I didn't face her. I couldn't. I still have feelings for you (y/n). I said mentally, unable to turn around and tell her directly.
"Katsu-kun? What's wrong? Did I upset you?" She worried. I heard her shuffle towards me and hug me from behind. "I'm sorry Katsuki."
"I like you..." I whispered, half hoping that she wouldn't hear.
"What did you say?" She asked timidly.
"I SAID I LIKE YOU!!!" I yelled turning around and hugging her to me. "I've liked you since we were little! I just never had the balls to say anything! I still wanna be with you (y/n)!" I blushed deeply and nuzzled my head into her neck.
💫(Y/N) P.O.V💫
H-he has feelings for me still? I panicked, here he was, his face against my neck, red as a lobster.
"K-Katsu-kun~" I accidentally groaned at the feeling of his breath against my neck.
His head shot up from my neck and he looked at me with wide eyes. "What was that?" He asked mischievously.
"N-nothing!!!" I said looking away with a blush in my cheeks. "B-but I like you too." I mumbled.
His face widened into a huge grin and he kissed me gently. His soft lips melding perfectly with mine.
The kiss felt like it lasted eons until he parted for air. "Damn you're good at kissing." He panted heavily.
"Kiss me again Katsu-kun~" I whimpered, pulling him towards the bed so we could sit down. I sat in his lap as he placed his hands behind my head and pulled me in for another kiss. This time it was more rough than the first. His tongue slid across my bottom lip as he asked for entrance. I happily obliged and our tongues fought for dominance. Katsuki won and his wet tongue explored every inch of my mouth.
He slowly pushed himself backwards onto the bed, forcing me to sit on his lap, against his hard member. We parted for air, both of us panting heavily.
"Katsu-kun~" I whined, my hips slowly making circles on his lap.
He hissed at the movement and placed his hands on my waist, forcing me to stop. "(Y/n), if you keep going, I won't be able to stop myself. Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked gently, loosening his grip in my hips.
I smirked at him and slipped a hand over his bulge and gently palmed him. He took that as a definite yes and pulled me down into a rough, passionate kiss. Katsuki pulled my hand from his bulge and placed it on his chest, then he moved his hands to my waist, moving them back and forth. My core rubbed against his member, generating immense pleasure for both of us. He groaned deeply and sped my motion up, earning a low moan from me.
"K-katsu-kun~" I moan into his ear, sucking on his neck in several places. He then flipped me over so I was underneath him, still grinding against my core.
"(Y/n), can I? " he asked placing a finger under the waist band of my pants.
"Please Katsuki~" I groaned, rolling my hips against him again.
He quickly pulled them off leaving me in my underwear and my shirt. I felt him get off the bed and heard him shuffle out of his sweats, then returned to his position behind me. He rubbed his hard member against my core once again, causing a whimper to escape my mouth. Katsuki began grinding faster, moaning quietly.
"Katsuki~ Please fuck me!~" I whined, reaching behind me and pulling my underwear to the side, revealing the slick that coated my thighs.
"Are you sure (y/n)?" He asked tenderly.
"Yes Katsu-kun~" I whimper.
He slowly pushed his briefs off and then pulled my underwear down. His hard member rubbed against my slit teasingly, causing me to whine and whimper. I pushed back against him, resulting in his member slipping inside me. I released a relatively loud moan and he slapped his hand over my my mouth and leaned down.
"Shhh you don't want my mom to hear now do you? And when you moan my name I want you to call me Master." He growled into my ear seductively.
"Yes Master~" I groaned.
He started moving slowly, thrusting into me hard but slow. Each time he thrusted in, he hit a spot that made me bite my lip to stay quiet.
"Master~ Faster please~" I begged him.
He obliged and began pounding into me. I moaned softly and felt a knot forming in my abdomen.
"M-Master~ I f-feel fun-ny~" I said in between moans.
"You gonna cum teddy?" He asked with a slight strain in his voice. I nodded and buried my face into his pillow in front of me.
His thrusts began to get sloppy, signaling he was close. The knot in my stomach got tighter and tighter until it snapped and I was cumming on Katsuki's member. He soon pulled out and came on my ass, moaning quietly.
"Master I'm tired." I said as I fell on my side on the bed.
"Alright pup. Let me get you cleaned up and your underwear back on." He said sweetly.
He went and grabbed a damp washcloth and began wiping me down to clean me off. He then pulled my underwear back on and threw his underwear and sweats back on. Katsuki laid behind me and pulled the duvet over us, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his chest.
"Sleep well teddy bear, I'll text your parents and tell them that you're staying here tonight. And I'll ask the old hag to wash your uniform for you." He said into my ear.
"But Katsu-kun, I'm still in my uniform." I whispered.
His weight left the bed,grabbed one of his hoodies, and sat me up. He slowly untied my tie, unbuttoned my shirt, and slipped his hoodie over my head. "There teddy. Better?"
I nodded and laid back down, .y eyes slipping closed.

💥Bakugou P.O.V💥
I watched as she fell asleep, her breathing becoming slow and steady. I quietly slipped out of my room and down the stairs.
"Old hag where are you?" I said as I walked into the kitchen. She was standing in front of the stove cooking what smelled like curry. "Hey wash this would ya?" I asked, chucking the uniform at her.
She laughed. "No yelling? I'm surprised."
I glanced towards the stairs and smiled slightly. "(Y/n) is asleep so please dont wake her." I said, looking up at his mother's gawking face. "What?"
"KATSUKI BAKUGOU! What are those on your neck?!" She said half laughing.
"Huh?" I shuffled to the downstairs bathroom and looked in the mirror. Hickies. EVERYWHERE. I snorted and walked back into the kitchen. "Guess she wanted to claim what's hers."
She turned serious. "Did you use protection?"
I shook my head and she turned pale.
"Is she on birth control?" She sweat dropped.
"I dunno." I said worried.
"Katsuki, was it inside?"
"No, I pulled out before." I said anxiously. "Can she still get pregnant from just the clear stuff that came first?"
"No as long as you don't do...that, inside she's okay." She sighed.
I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding and smiled. "Well, we're together now."

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now