Before Disaster

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💥Bakugou P.O.V💥
The next morning I woke up with (y/n) on my chest, the cold rag she had for my head on my chest, now damp and warm on my stomach. Her quiet snores soothing my anxiety of going back to school.
"Teddy bear, you need to wake up. We have school today." I said gently shaking her, earning a groan and a snort.

"Five more minutes Katsuki..." she whined into my chest. Her (h/c) hair was a tangled mess and her face was so peaceful as she slept.
"C'mon punk we'll be late." I said as I pulled the blankets off of her. She groans and rolls onto her side, curling into herself.

"Don't wanna go," she groaned.

I chuckled and rolled her onto her back. My warm hands ran over her thighs, causing her to shiver. "C'mon p
teddy bear, we gotta go. We get to go to the USJ today remember?"

She bolted up and grinned widely at me. 'God I love that smile,' I thought to myself.

💫your pov💫

"Hurry up Katsu-kun!!~" I yelled behind me as I ran towards UA. Katsuki smirked and set off a few small explosions to propel himself to your side.

"Slow down some moron! You'll trip and get hurt." He said grabbing your wrist and slowing you down. "I don't want my beautiful pup getting hurt."

"Of course Katsu-kun!" You smile at him and begin to walk with your hand in his.

Time skip cuz I'm lazyyyy

"Yo (l/n)!" Kirishima called. "What's up?"

"Hey Kiri-kun! Are you excited to go to the USJ?" you asked the red head.

"Hell yeah I am!" He smiled brightly, his sharp teeth shining.

'I wonder how those would feel as they bit me...' I thought to myself then quickly brushed it off. 'I have Katsuki, I can't think of Kiri like that.'

Katsuki seemed to have noticed me staring at Kiri's teeth as he leaned into my ear and whispered, "If you want bite marks that bad all you have to do is ask me sweetcheeks~" punctuating the last word with a slap to the ass and a smirk that could down thousands of panties.

"(L/N), are you okay? You were staring at my mouth for a long time..." Kirishima said as he put his hand over his mouth.

"O-OH!!! Yeah s-sorry. I'm uuuuuhhhh....trying to get better at lip reading?" I replied hesitantly.

He didn't look entirely convinced but left the subject there as Iida tried to herd us onto the bus single file only t find out that all of his hard work was for nothing. I sat next to Bakugou and laid on his shoulder listening to Kiri and Izuku talk to one another, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Katsu-kun?~ (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)☆REWORK IN PROGRESS☆Where stories live. Discover now