Chapter 14

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I groaned and started to feel dizzy but I shook it off and finally opened my eyes to see that I was in an abandoned building it looked like the theaters and I see lots of red chairs infront of me I then realized that I was tied up in a chair I tried breaking free but the ropes were too tight it was hurting my wrist did Cc do this I thought looking around I was lost in thought until I heard a low chuckle I tried to find where that chuckle came from but saw nothing I thought I was just hearing nonsense when I heard it again I got a bit nervous and tried to find where it was coming from

Y/n: W WHO'S THERE!? I had to shout because the place was so big I heard nothing but my voice echoing I sighed and looked down trying to find a way to break out I heard footsteps and loomed up fast to see a creature it looked like a moth he had black fur and red eyes with white feet and hands and big black wings

Y/n: W WHO'S THERE!? I had to shout because the place was so big I heard nothing but my voice echoing I sighed and looked down trying to find a way to break out I heard footsteps and loomed up fast to see a creature it looked like a moth he had bl...

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he didn't look scary but I still got a bit nervous maybe he tied me up but what does he want from me I thought he was infront of me and chuckled I glared at him and looked down not daring to look back up at him again

Mothman: what's wrong scared~

Y/n: what do you want from me!?

Mothman: the man with the upside down face told me to kidnap you he'll be coming soon but he told me to kidnap you because he said that you took something that was his so he told me to tell you to give it back or else

Y/n: I don't know what you're talking about leave me alone!

Mothman got mad and was about to hit me when he heard a stop sound he turned around and got frightened and backed away I heard footsteps again and saw a man but it wasn't any norman man his head was upside down and he was wearing a suit I looked at him while he glared at me

Man with upside down face: where is it!? He shouted walking closer to me

Y/n: where's what I dont know what you're talking about

Man with upside down face: you went into an abandoned train station and took a green diamond from me and I want it back

Y/n: I I'm sorry I took it but I can't get it back I sold it to get this money because my dad was in the hospital and they needed the money to cure him

Mothman: what are we gonna do now boss?

Man with upside down face: find that cat and bring him here I know what to do I'll get ghost pig to keep an eye on her *walks away*

Mothman looked at me and then flew off leaving me on my own there was no point in trying to break out I sighed and looked down I saw a tear drop down my cheek and I saw more and more coming first my dad then my mom and now its gonna be me I just wish I had them back I loved them so much but I know that'll never come true

(Y/n's mom pov)

Mom: where is she she's not home why weren't she answering the calls as well I hope she's alright I heard a thunder and looked out the window to see that it was raining I sighed and walked upstairs don't worry m/n she might just be at her friends house nothing to worry about I'll just call them in the morning it's too late to call them now

Cc: *standing outside at the building* Don't worry toots I'm gonna save ya