Chapter 12

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(If you don't understand what's happening in this one, I did a lemon. But I deleted it cuz I didn't like it)

I woke up and didn't feel CC next to me good that he's not here last night was like rape I thought I was still kinda hurt from him going to rough with me I stumbled my way downstairs and saw my mum on the floor I got confused and went closer until I saw blood on the floor I gasped and ran over to my mum kneeling down to check for any injures I saw that she was unconscious and had a big scratch on her arm and three long scratches on her stomach she was badly injured and I quickly sat up and phoned the hospital.

(Time skip)

The ambulance arrived and took my mum and I was waiting in the living room waiting for them to call I got frustrated and threw a glass cup at the wall making it smash I sat back down and cried covering my eyes I really do hope my mum's alright I don't know what I'll do if I lost here just then I got a call I picked up my phone quickly and answered it and they told me that my mum wasn't gonna make it I started crying and hung up that's when I started breaking plates and some other stuff I then rembered the scratches on my mum's stomach and arm I got super angry and knew it was from CC he's the only one that was in my room last night I grabbed my f/c jacket and went ouside looking for that bastard I looked in some abandoned places but couldn't find him maybe because it's night I thought and sighed and was about to leave when I felt long arms wrap around my waist and pulled me close to them I turned around to see CC smirking and started licking my neck I blushed and got myself out of his grip he whined and he looked at how pissed I was.

CC: what's wrong kitten~

Y/n: don't you kitten me why!?

CC: Why what?

Y/n: why did you kill my mom!?

CC: I didn't kill your mum

Y/n: how could you she was the best mom I've ever had but now she gone because of you!

CC: but I di-

Y/n: don't you lie to me you piece of shit you was with me last night raping me and you was the only person or animal whatever in the house so it was you

CC: but it's not me look I don't have blood on me

Y/n: what are you!?

CC: uhhh......a cat?

Y/n: then how come there are big scratch marks on my mum's stomach and arm!?

CC: I promise you it wasn't me I swear

Y/n: I don't believe you leave me alone I hate you I always have you literly raped me last night and I'm still in pain and I better not see your fucking face again

You ran off back to your house leaving CC broken hearted he looked down and went back to his abandoned building. When you arrived home you locked all the door and windows and went to Your room crying but what you didn't know was someone was watching you they smirked and went to there place.

(3 weeks later)

It's been 3 weeks and you've been depressed ever since your mom died you've been getting lots of calls but you didn't know who it was or didn't answer you just sat in your room crying your eyes were hurting but you didn't care you did cut your arms and that's the only thing that makes you stop crying you just wish your mom came back.

(On cartoon cat)

Cartoon cat has been getting upset too was that a break up was they even dating in the first place why didn't she believe him all these thoughts in his head was making him even more angry and upset and whenever he gets mad he hits the walls making them break and kill even more people but none of that is making him happy he wanted you back but it's already been 3 weeks and he didn't want to come back to you because last time when he did you threw a bottle at him nearly hitting his face do he didn't wanna do it again if only he knew who it was he'll kill them for what they have done he gritted his teeth and went to go talk with siren head or his other friends about it to try and get you back and kill whoever done it

( okay I didn't really enjoy this one cuz of what I just wrote but I got some good ideas for the next chapter about this and thought of keeping it even tho it was bad but anyways thank you guys so much for liking this book I am very very sorry for discontinuing this book I didn't had any ideas for it and school and other stuff and I also started not really like this book but I started liking it again and found good ideas for it so again thank you guys your the best and see you in the next chapter sorry if this was short)