Chapter 7

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I woke up in the same bed again and looked around me to see no sign of CC I sat up and yawned and walked over to the door I tried opening it but it won't budge I tried again and again but it wasn't doing it I was really missing my mom and my friends there probably searching for me and getting the cops involved I need to find another way out so he doesn't know I looked around me to spot anything I can use to open the door but found nothing I was about to sit back on the bed to think of something until I heard the door handle turning I backed away from it and then saw CC smiling at me God I hate his creepy smile.

CC: morning toots~

Y/n: m morning

CC: how'd you slept?

Y/n: um g good

CC: is something the matter?

Y/n: n no I'm fine no need to worry hehe

CC: hmmm okay breakfasts ready

Y/n: okay

You followed CC down the long hallway and went to the horrid kitchen you looked down and saw a chunk of meat on a plate

CC: since you don't like eating people I chopped the skin of and placed it near a fire in somones house

Y/n: I'm not eating that!

CC: oh c'mon toots you'll starve if you don't eat

Y/n: I'd rather start then eat that

CC: ugh fine I'll find something that you humans eat BUT DONT GO ANYWHERE GOT IT!?

Y/n: y yes I won't

CC: good

You saw him walking out and this was your chance to leave you got up from the chair and ran towards the exit when you was there you peeked and looked left to right to check if he was there good no sign of him you whispered you quitily walked out and looked around but all you saw was nothing but long big trees around you didn't know where you were so you had no other choice but to go in the woods you looked down and saw a pathway ahead you walked near the pathway and followed where it lead to

(Time skip)

You was walking for ages now and you still haven't found your home head you looked up and saw that it was getting dark I wonder if CC knows that I escaped you thought you started crossing your arms because it was getting cold why was is CC being nice to mean and that he should've killed me days ago you wondered you then looked up at the sky again and saw that it was already night you got a bit scared you checked your pockets and brang out your phone then you remembered UGH I'm such an idiot I had my phone this hole time ugh whatever at least I can call my mom now I rang my mom's phone number and she answered up quickly

Mom: Sweetie where are you you've been gone for days where are you

Y/n: I I'm sorry mom I'm lost I'm in the woods and it's dark and I'm getting scared

Mom: I'll call the cops to find you ok just don't move and if you hear sirens go towards it ok it'll be the cops

Y/n: ok thank you mom I'll see you later I hope

Mom: Alright dear just be safe and she hanged up I sighed and went towards a tree to sit down and tuck a nap until I heard sirens.

(To be continued)