Chapter 16

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I was so glad that my mom was alright and everything was back to normal.....I hope. I quickly ran downstairs to make sure none of this was a dream and I saw my mom cooking breakfast. I smiled happily and ran over to her, giving her a loving hug. She warmly smiled at me and continued cooking. "Morning dear, how did you sleep?" She asked. "Good, I'm glad that your ok. I missed you" I frowned a bit. My mother sighed and stroked my hair. "I'm happy that your okay too honey" I smiled and sat down on. "So, what are you cooking?" I questioned as I tilted my head. "I'm making pancakes/waffles, your favourite" I thanked her and decided to go on my phone while I wait. "I wonder what Cartoon cat and the others are doing right now. I haven't met those other creatures, but I guess they seem nice" I thought, humming quitely. I looked over at my mum and watched her walk up to me. She placed the plate infront of me and I thanked her again and began eating it.

(Cartoon cat's pov)

I was walking to y/n's house to make sure she was alright, but when I got there I saw a guy taking pictures of her and her mother. "What a fucking creep!" I thought, my eyes turning pure red and my teeth growing sharp. I walked up to him and picked him up, she got startled and looked at me with confusion and fear. "W-What the fuck a-are you!?" He yelled. I growled deeply and pinned him against a wall. "Shut up! You were watching my kitten and her mother! Your gonna pay for that you asshole!" I cackled evilly, seeing the weirdo struggle. "Ugh!et me go you freak!" He said in rage. I snarled and bit his head off, before he could say anything else. Blood splattered everywhere and I smirked. I licked my lips and gagged a bit from the taste. "Ew, he taste like shit! But it doesn't matter, I have to eat something. I can't tell y/n about this, she'll get mad at me again. I don't even care if she doesn't like me, she's still mine and no one else's." I huffed and teleported back home whilst holding the body, head and camera. I dropped the body and head on the floor, not caring about the blood everywhere. I looked at the camera closely, trying to see how to work it. "Why did he had a camera? I usually see people with these things called phones?" I scratched my head and then suddenly flinched when I saw photos coming out of the camera. I picked it up and shaked it, looking at the photos to see y/n. It was her eating breakfast, her asleep in her bed and in a towel. I blushed deeply with little hearts in my eyes. I decided to keep them and hide them so no one can find these.

(Your pov)

I finished my breakfast and I told my mother that I had to go somewhere, she nodded and picked up my plate. I rushed towards my shoes and coat and placed them on. I was gonna head to Cartoon cat's place. I am starting to trust him again because he was becoming more and more less weird around me. I just hope he stays like this, I didn't like how he was acting before. While I was running to his place, I finally saw it and stepped inside. "Cartoon cat!" I called out, but there was no answer. I grew bewildered and looked around for him. "Maybe he's not here?" I thought as I searched for him. As I was looking around, I had a weird feeling that something or someone was watching me. I turned around and saw nothing,  I thought it was just my imagination and I continued walking. I was about to walk into another room, when something grabbed me and pulled me towards them. I screamed and closed my eyes tightly. "No! Please, let me go!" I yelled. I heard laughing and I knew exactly who that was. I opened my eyes and looked at Cartoon cat. "Cartoon cat, that wasn't funny! You scared the shit outta me!" I gritted my teeth, feeling embarrassed. "Hahaha! Oh, come on. You should've seen the look on your face! That was priceless!" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and looked away. "Shut up, don't do that again" his laughter died down and he nodded. "Alright toots, I'm sorry" I sighed and told him it was alright. He let go of me and I looked up at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked me. "I wanted to see what you and the others were doing" I replied. "Eh, nothing really. Just killing or chilling in our place" he shrugged. "Oh, alright. I was getting bored so I wanted to come see what you were up to" I said, looking down. "Your bored?" He said, smirking. "Uh, yeah?" I looked back at him and suddenly got nervous by his smirk. "Don't worry toots, your not gonna be bored anymore~"