Chapter 3

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A hand/paw grabbed your ankle you screamed and fell to the floor and being dragged back inside the abandoned building you wanted to just go back home and see your parents you miss f/n and wished she never died but whats the point your gonna be like her by cartoon cat you saw him smiling and bringing you closer and closer to him you tried struggling and tried kicking his hand/paw of your ankle but nothing was stopping him you was face to face with him looking up at his creepy smile he chuckled and went near your face you struggled even more witch made him annoyed he grabbed your hand and placed them above your head he went even closer to you lips nearly touching you blushed A bit which made him chuckle again.

CC: your all mine now darling~

The way he said it gave you chills and you tried to call for help CC placed his tail on your mouth to shush you he picked you up bridal-style and took you what seems to be a kitchen but everything was a mess there were trash everywhere broken shards of glass near the windows and a few bodies here and there you looked away trying not yo puke from the place CC placed you down on a rusty chair and picked up some duc tape he rapped it around your body so you couldn't get out you you called for help but then realised there was tape on your mouth also he chuckled and walked over to you you got frightened and that made his smile turn into a frown.

CC: hey hey I'm not going to hurt ya why would I hurt my precious little darling~

You blushed and looked away he sighed and placed his hand/paw on your head stroking your hair to calm you down which it did

CC: are you hungry toots~

You nodded and he smiled kissing your head he made sure the tape was strong enough for you to not escape

CC: alright toots~ I'll be back don't move okay and he left with you alone you wanted to get out of here and never come back your mum must be worried sick about me I tried breaking free out of the tape but no use I tried again and again and I tried one more time and it snapped I was free I can finally go home I took the tape of my mouth and made a run for it I ran outside and into my car and drove of not looking back

(Time skip)

I made it home and parked my car I got out and walked up to the front door I opened it and saw my mum worried sick she ran over to me and hugged me I hugged by I heard her crying which made me really upset I didn't like seeing my mum upset she let go and told me where I was I told her everything but she didn't believe me she yelled at me to go upstairs which I did I don't blame her for yelling at me because some people think cartoon cats fake so why should she believe it I sat on my bed thinking about what happened at the abandoned building I sighed and closed my eyes trying to forget what happened.

(Sorry if it was short)