Chapter 1

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You was walking your dog around the park until you heard a beep sound in your coat pocket you grabbed your phone and see who it was your friend (f/n) wants you to meet at her house at 6pm you replied saying ok and placed your phone back in your pocket I wonder what the meetings for you thought you was lost in thought that you stoped and heard your dog barking at something you looked the way your dog was barking at and saw an abandoned building you didn't want to check it out so you picked up your dog and walked back to your house.

(Time skip)

You was at your house playing a few games on your phone you looked at the clock to see what time it was it was nearly 6pm so you grabbed your coat and shoes and went to your car to head to your friends house it took you 10 mins to get there but you didn't mind went you saw her house you parked your (favourite colour) car and walked over to the front door you knocked and saw the door handle turning the door opened to reveal your friend she let you in and both of you sat on the sofa.

Y/n: so what's this meeting about

F/n: I was thinking if we should head to that abandoned building the one that we see near the park

Y/n: umm idk f/n what if there's something inside there I was walking my dog this morning and my dog was barking at that place.

F/n: oh c'mon (Nickname) stop being such a downer it's gonna be fine I heard people say that cartoon cat's in there

Y/n: f/n don't start this again I told you the 100th time he's not real

F/n: prove it


F/n: if he's not real then prove it you never know unless you go there

Y/n: (sigh) fine but if there's like something else that's dangerous then I'm not forgiving you

F/n: alright whatever let's go then

Y/n: in the dark?

F/n: Yeah that's what makes it more spooky why you chicken

Y/n: no

F/n: then let's go then

You both head to your car and drove of to the abandoned building

(Time skip)

You both arrived at the abandoned building and you regretted coming here you got out of your car and walked up to the place with your friend following you took a deep breath and walked inside the place was dark and dirty and also a few trash here and there there were so shards of glass on the floor there was blood on it but it wasn't old it looked like someone probably went here and maybe accidently cut themselves I got a bit nervous while my friend was filming on her phone this place was huge you could literally bring a trampoline if it wasn't so dirty you was walking down a hallway with your friend trailing behind you took another step until you heard music playing you thought you was imagining things but then you heard the music getting louder and louder you took a step back and walked over to your friend.

Y/n: h hey f/n do you hear that

F/n: hear what?

Y/n:strange music

F/n: I don't hear anything your probably imagining things c'mon let's go this way you followed f/n and smelled something horrible you looked over at f/n and she must of smelled it to

F/n: what the fuck is that smell she said holding her nose

We walked closer what the smell was and I literally froze like a statue there was a dead body covered in blood his throat was slit, his left hand was bit off and he had no eyes f/n nearly puked and looked away

F/n: oh my fucking god know what I think I have enough footage

Y/n: what do you mean footage?

F/n: this is definitely from cartoon cat

Y/n: CARTOON CATS NOT REAL I think there's a murderer here

F/n: whatever let's just leave this place is creeping me out

You both was about to leave until you heard that same music before you turned around and heard the music heading towards you both

F/n: d do you mean that music? she asked in fear

Y/n: y yeah

It was becoming louder and louder and we both froze not doing anything f/n took a step back and so did I we was about to turn around and run


To be continued